Growth Mindset

“Growth Mindset Online Courses” are engaging and educational digital programs designed to help individuals develop a growth mindset.

These courses explore the concept of a growth mindset, emphasizing the belief that abilities and intelligence can be cultivated through effort and learning.

Through interactive lessons, practical exercises, and inspiring content, participants gain the skills and mindset needed to embrace challenges, learn from failures, and continually evolve.

Whether for personal or professional development, these courses empower learners to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals with a positive and resilient outlook.

Jason Redman - moving the needle

Build your foundation for an unshakable OVERCOME MINDSET COURSE. Why It Matters On our best days and our toughest, life is about many things — including, sometimes, tackling adversity. It may not be “easy”; it may not always seem possible; it may even be hard just to face it. But the good news is that if we are willing to […]

  • Instructor: Jason Redman
  • Online Course
  • Featured
Elyse Archer

Contrary to what you’ve been taught, achieving your Your First Six Figures revenue and income goals is not supposed to be hard. Your First Six Figures BUT IF IT IS… You’ve never learned the most essential elements of sales and money making, like how to… Raise your financial set point so you can easily and consistently […]

  • Instructor: Elyse Archer
  • Online Course
Jason Redman - moving the needle

Proven tools to OVERCOME failure and dominate life in only 72 Hours with the Peak Performance Course I meet so many successful people who just feel BROKEN and off balance. They have the house and take the vacations but they just feel like a hamster on a wheel. Always behind, stressed, further off balance and […]

  • Instructor: Jason Redman
  • Online Course
Components of Extraordinary Teams

With Components of Extraordinary Teams you CAN get the best out of the people you manage…equipping and encouraging them to deliver results that go beyond “good enough.” You CAN affirm and motivate your peers… because they see you as someone who demonstrates a leader’s finest qualities. And…You CAN impress and delight your organization’s customers by anticipating their needs and exceeding their […]

  • Instructor: Lee Rubin
  • Online Course
James Clear Ohio Speaker

Imagine two versions of yourself, 5 years into the future. What would your life be like if you continued to repeat your bad habits each day? What would life look like in five years if you stuck with good habits each day from The Habits Academy? From day to day, you may not recognize the […]

  • Instructor: James Clear
  • Mastermind
Discover Your Invisible Stories

Discover Your Invisible Stories by taking control of the stories you tell others starts with taking control of the stories you tell yourself. Each day, your mind is filtering stories about your abilities and your worth. It’s up to you to make sure they are good ones. Diving deeper into the lessons of Kindra’s book, […]

  • Instructor: Kindra Hall
  • Currently Discounted
Dr. Jackie Freiberg

BE RESILIENT is a course specifically designed to help YOU confront your fear, renounce routine and resignation, and trade “okay and getting by” for a bigger YES! YES, gives you the courage to take a chance, to step out of your comfort zone and into your adventure. The world, your world is crying out for […]

  • Instructor: Dr. Kevin Freiberg
  • Online Course
Stories That Stick Deep Dive

Stories That Stick Implementation Program, is a deep dive into the best-selling book, Stories That Stick. Stories That Stick Deep Dive The author, Kindra Hall, takes you step-by-step through each lesson. Teaching you how to put each story into practice to transform your business. Implementation Program  Learn how to find, craft and tell the 4 most […]

  • Instructor: Kindra Hall
  • Online Course
Katerina Cozias

Media Mindset Mastery will show you how you can take a start up or emerging entrepreneurial venture to global levels of success by developing your media mindset effectively. HOW TO MAKE A 7-FIGURE BUSINESS LEVERAGING A MEDIA MINDSET. Most businesses believe that traditional media and traditional communication techniques don’t work any more… Well they’re wrong. […]

  • Instructor: Katerina Cozias
  • Free
Dr Graeme Codrington

Survive Disruptive Change For yourself, your team and your business. (Spoiler alert, Covid wasn’t the only deep disruption we’re all going to face in the 2020s). Get Ready to Deep Disruptive Change FREE video mini-series of the 4IR and the implications for you, your career and your industry. Contact us at Speakers Inc and follow us on Twitter

  • Instructor: Dr. Graeme Codrington
  • Free
Growth IQ Videobook

In Growth IQ videobooks, author Tiffani Bova draws on decades of experience to identify ten growth paths to help your business conquer these challenges. Is your company recovering from a slowdown in growth? Or perhaps you can’t figure out how to sustainably scale? Growth IQ Videobook You’ll learn the tools needed to tackle growth in […]

  • Instructor: Tiffani Bova
Alison Canavan

This is a four week course which explores four key areas essential to your own personal growth and success for the power is in you. They are: WEEK 1. The Power of Calm and Presence WEEK 2. The Power of Small Changes WEEK 3. The Power of Decision WEEK 4. The Power of Your Response […]

  • Instructor: Alison Canavan
  • Video Course
Speaker Resources Rusty Labuschagne

Overcoming a decade in Zimbabwe’s Prisons through this gripping keynote, I will take you on a journey through my life as a self-made businessman in the safari industry in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. I’ll share details of an incident that led to my wrongful imprisonment, the emotional impact of my conviction without a body, against police evidence, […]

  • Instructor: Rusty Labuschagne
  • UDemy Academy
Erin Hatzikostas

Unknot your career kinks with this powerful and bite-sized career bootcamp called Unstuck Yourself I get it… You’re a high achiever. Yet you can’t help feeling stuck in your job…in your career (maybe even your life.) That sucks. And I want to be completely clear – you’re totally normal and you’re totally curable. Unstuck Yourself | Free Video […]

  • Instructor: Erin Hatzikostas
  • Free
Debbie Millman

When you look at the choices you’ve made in your life to REINVENTING YOU, or when you consider your future, do you base your decisions on what’s possible, or on what you believe to be more realistic? There’s a lot to be said for making choices based on safety and stability, but that often comes […]

  • Instructor: Debbie Millman
  • Linkedin Learning

You have the degree(s), you do great work, you work your ars off…and you want to advance your career and b brilliant. But you’re not quite sure how to get there. Or (gasp) if you even want to try. It can be a struggle The working world feels really complicated and convoluted…and often filled with […]

  • Instructor: Erin Hatzikostas
  • Online Course
Ramsey Bergeron

Emotional Mastery for Men is a 5-Part Workshop designed specifically for the unique challenges facing men to help stop their emotions from overpowering their intellect. Whether you prefer virtual or in-person sessions, Ramsey Bergeron can tailor his workshops to meet your needs. From half-day sessions to intensive 2-day executive workshops, he provides practical tools and […]

  • Instructor: Ramsey Bergeron
  • One-Time Payment
brad sugars - 30X Life - 30X Wealth

30X Wealth: Build Passive Income | Leverage Investing | Learn the Right Steps to Building Wealth. Everyone dreams of being wealthy, but so few people actually take the steps required to achieve a life of wealth and fortune. The crazy thing is – getting rich is a lot simpler than most people realize; it’s as […]

  • Instructor: Brad Sugars
  • Online Course
Alden Mills

Enroll in this 5-module UNSTOPPABLE MINDSET interactive training program for supercharging your personal and workplace achievement skills. (Total learning time: 4.5 hours) This course is based on our popular UNSTOPPABLE book series and Fortune 500 workshop series taught by former Navy SEAL and serial entrepreneur Alden Mills, which has helped executives from companies and government […]

  • Instructor: Alden Mills
  • Online Course
Jay Shetty

BECOME THE BEST YOU. At your own pace. Transformation through workshops and meditations. Nurture strong, trusting relationships with the people in your life. Everyone you meet serves a purpose in your life, just as you serve a purpose in theirs. Allowing your connections to thrive and flourish starts with compassion and understanding. BECOME THE BEST […]

  • Instructor: Jay Shetty
  • Online Course
Vishen Lakhiani

This is a program for anyone looking to expand their reach, grow their network and build an alliance of connections globally. Through the Mastering Authentic Networking program, you gain a remarkable framework anyone can use to nurture a personal network of authentic and transformational relationships. Even if you’ve never considered yourself a “people” person. And […]

  • Instructor: Vishen Lakhiani
  • Join Waiting List

My Unwavering Focus course teaches you how the mind works, and how to learn, practice and develop concentration and willpower. The purpose of this is so that you can empower yourself with these tools and teachings in order to focus your mind and energy towards manifesting your goals in life. I will also share with […]

  • Instructor: Dandapani
  • Online Course
Lisa Nichols - Free Speaker Training

DO YOU WANT MORE FROM LIFE through Free Abundance Training? More money. More love. More adventure. More health. More spiritual connection. More acceptance of yourself. It can all be yours … anything you dream of and desire. In fact, it’s meant to be yours. Abundance in all areas of life is your birthright. Free Abundance […]

  • Instructor: Lis Nichols
  • Free
Jean Marie DiGiovanna

There’s no better time than now to begin exploring your vision, your future, and your daydreams! In this online discussion, I sat down with Holly Baumgartl Kristoff, Founder of Daydream Design Co., to discuss the four key questions to ask yourself if you want to kickstart your daydreams. Your Vision, Your Future & Your Daydreams includes […]

  • Instructor: JJ DiGeronimo
  • Free

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