Overcoming a decade in Zimbabwe's Prisons

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  • Cost: $49.99
  • UDemy Academy
About Course

Overcoming a decade in Zimbabwe’s Prisons through this gripping keynote, I will take you on a journey through my life as a self-made businessman in the safari industry in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. I’ll share details of an incident that led to my wrongful imprisonment, the emotional impact of my conviction without a body, against police evidence, and presumptions.

I’ll describe the horrendous and inconceivable conditions of overcrowding and high death rates in the cells, and how my decade-long nightmare birthed a string of life lessons.

Throughout my talk, I’ll show you photos and sketches to highlight the details of my experience and how I had to dig deep to find solutions to overcome the unimaginable, physically and mentally.

Following my keynote are 27 short video clips taken from the keynote content, each with a powerful message.

Overcoming a decade in Zimbabwe’s Prisons

From “Breaking free from your prisons” to “Love and happiness,” I’ll cover a wide range of topics, including facing your fears, the power of forgiveness, and finding true freedom. With each clip, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of my journey and the life lessons I learned along the way.

By the end of my keynote, you’ll feel inspired to break free from any prisons holding you back and appreciate the value of family, love, support, and gratitude.

You’ll learn how to face your fears, find inner strength, and overcome even the most challenging circumstances as I learnt how Overcoming a decade in Zimbabwe’s Prisons.

Join me on this unforgettable journey, and discover the true meaning of freedom.

As a takeaway gift, you will be blessed with my best-seller digital book Beating Chains.

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How to keep motivated through insurmountable hardships using forgiveness, gratitude and a positive mindset.

Learning Points

Ponder on these questions as you go through short video clips of my testimony below and answer a few questions.


Then enrich yourself with the contents of my book Beating Chains at the end.


1. Do you have people, situations or incidents that you need to forgive or forget?

2. Are you grateful for who you are, what you have and what you have achieved in your life?

3. Are you going to see life in a more positive light from now on?

4. Will you value your family and friends more closely after watching this video?

5. Has this video left you more empathetic towards others?

6. Will you put a higher value on your health from now on?

7. Will you see the good in everyday little things today?

  • The Power of Forgiveness – To overcome any setback, it’s necessary to forgive those who you feel have wronged you. I’ll guide you on the path of forgiveness.
  • “Gratitude is the healthiest and most fulfilling emotion. Its practice brings immense value and importance to our lives. Let me help you to be grateful.”
  • “Positive thinking impacts 98% of our physical selves. Join me on a life-changing journey towards a positive mindset.”
  • Freedom is more than avoiding imprisonment. It’s choosing your path, releasing what you can’t control, and escaping negativity’s grasp.
  • “Find your inner strength and release the need to control what you can’t. It’s within you, but only a few discover what they can truly conquer.”
  • Facing the possibility of death can teach us to appreciate life’s small blessings and be grateful for every moment we have.
  • Hope anchors you in difficult times, keeping you level-headed and optimistic. Let your aspirations guide you, not your struggles. Seek hope from within.
  • “Health, loved ones & friends cannot be bought. I’ll share how I coped with this truth.”
  • No matter where you are, life is what you make of it. Losing everything doesn’t define you, but how you respond to it does.
  • “Your past only lives in your mind; don’t let it control you. Seek positivity amidst negativity to find hope.”
  • Losing empathy means losing humanity. I witnessed 2200 prisoners die from malnutrition, a reminder of the consequences of apathy towards others.
  • Life’s value isn’t defined by titles, success or material possessions. My experience taught me that I’m just a normal human being.
  • “From despair’s depths, I realized my mind dragged me through there and so it could pull me out. It’s a realization that can set anybody free.”
  • Resilience is something we are not born with. We’re born with fortitude, but resilience is developed through life experiences and coping strategies.
  • Motivation is the driving force that inspires and energizes individuals to take action towards achieving their goals and desires. Let’s get started…

  • 2 hours on-demand video
  • 2 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion


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