Discover Your Invisible Stories

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  • One-Time Payment
  • Cost: $49
  • Currently Discounted
About Course

Discover Your Invisible Stories by taking control of the stories you tell others starts with taking control of the stories you tell yourself. Each day, your mind is filtering stories about your abilities and your worth. It’s up to you to make sure they are good ones.

Diving deeper into the lessons of Kindra’s book, “Choose Your Story, Change Your Life,” this course guides your through the self-discovery process of identifying the stories holding you back and shapes a new perspective that overcomes those limiting beliefs.

Discover Your Invisible Stories

The Discover Your Invisible Stories training program takes you through the 6 critical stages of analyzing your limiting beliefs. You’ll be able to identify what triggers these thoughts, preparing you to stop the negative cycle.

6-Part Digital Training Program

Go beneath the surface of your subconscious stories, identify your limiting-belief triggers and take back control of your life.

Contact us at Speakers Inc and download our Mobile App

Hi, I’m Kindra Hall! Bestselling Author, Speaker, Storyteller, and your new Hype Woman!

What began as a storytelling assignment in 5th grade, grew into a passion for not only telling stories, but a mastery for teaching others the methods and science of storytelling so they can better tell their own.

I am a National Champion storyteller (yes, they have those), member of the Board of Directors of the National Storytelling Network and hold a master’s degree in communications where I conducted original research studying the role of storytelling in defining and revealing organizational culture.

I’ve worked with brands like Facebook, Hilton Hotels, Tyson Foods, Target, Berkshire Hathaway and the Harvard Medical School.

What I know to be true is that storytelling works in life much like it does in business. Just as I’ve taught thousands to use stories to create better business, I can teach you to use stories to create a better life. 


Learning Points

Find Your Origin Story
Every belief you hold true comes from somewhere. It could be a story from your past or one that was passed down to you. Knowing the origin story gives you the ability to move on from it.

Unload Guilt
Carrying guilt or shame weighs you down and makes you feel unworthy. Understanding why a story has stayed with you will give you the power to eliminate those negative emotions.

The Cost (and Value) Of Each Story
Your stories aren’t always going to be obvious, and the price you pay for those stories isn’t always clear. But the stories you tell yourself always come with a price. The price could be happiness, health, or potential.

Identifying Where You Are In The Story
The true magic of our self-stories is that they aren’t over until we decide we are happy with the ending. Don’t worry if you find a story and don’t like the ending… because you might just be in the middle. 

The course videos, implementation sheets, and case studies are available immediately after you enroll.  




Instructor Speaking Profiles

Kindra Hall
  • Storyteller

Kindra Hall first captivated an audience in the spring of 1992. While fulfilling a 5th-grade language arts assignment, she read a story to a room of lively third graders, discovering her innate talent for storytelling. This early experience sparked a journey that predated storytelling rise as a coveted skill in the business world. Today, Kindra […]

  • Travels from: New York, NY

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