Stories That Stick Deep Dive

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  • One-Time Payment
  • Cost: $49
  • Online Course
About Course

Stories That Stick Implementation Program, is a deep dive into the best-selling book, Stories That Stick.

Stories That Stick Deep Dive

The author, Kindra Hall, takes you step-by-step through each lesson. Teaching you how to put each story into practice to transform your business.

Implementation Program 
Learn how to find, craft and tell the 4 most important stories to your business so that you never have to sell again!

  • Close the Sales Gap with Ease
  • Identify the gaps in your business, and the 4 stories bridges that close them.
  • Hack the Science of Influence
  • Understand from a psychological point of view why stories work so well in business.
  • Tell Stories Naturally, and with Ease
  • We often miss stories because they just feel like life. You’ll be able to catch the most important stories (to your
  • life and business) so that each time you tell a story it feel natural.
  • Craft Stories that Stick (and sale without the sleaze!)

Follow a simple framework to construct a seal-the-deal story (they all include these 4 components).

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Hi, I’m Kindra Hall! Bestselling Author of Stories that Stick.

What began as a storytelling assignment in 5th grade, grew into a passion for not only telling stories, but a mastery for teaching others the methods and science of storytelling so they can better tell their own.

I am a National Champion storyteller (yes, they have those), member of the Board of Directors of the National Storytelling Network and hold a master’s degree in communications where I conducted original research studying the role of storytelling in defining and revealing organizational culture.

I’ve worked with brands like Facebook, Hilton Hotels, Tyson Foods, Target, Berkshire Hathaway and the Harvard Medical School. Regardless of the industry, I love equipping businesses with the tools they need to finally put their stories to work in a tangible way.


Course Modules

The Science of Stories (and Why They Work Better Than Any Data-Filled Presentation)

  • 4 Video Lessons
  • 3 Implementation Guides
  • The Stories That Stick Study
  • Identify the most common tension gaps in your business and discover how stories can close the gaps. 
  • Understand why stories work on anyone (not just kids or the young at heart). 
  • Begin planning your first stories. 
  • The 4 components of a powerful story, and the exact framework to put this to practice. 
  • Proof that your new way of storytelling gets results!

The 4 Stories Your Business Needs

  • 4 Video Lessons
  • 4 Implementation Guides
  • The Value Story: This is the central story you’ll use in sales and marketing. It is the ultimate bridge between what your audience needs and what you offer.
  • The Founder Story: Every business needs a Founder Story, but very few tell it, or use it in the wrong way. You’ll learn what to include in your Founder Story and when you tell it. 
  • The Purpose Story: Tt really is more of the All-Purpose Story because it works in so many situations. This is the story that creates a deep connection between you and your audience. The kind of connection that makes “Yes!” inevitable.  
  • The Customer Story: The lost art of business storytelling. Stop relying on data and start showing real proof! 

At the end of each session, you’ll practice crafting your story!

Find, Craft and Tell Stories that Stick 

  • 3 Video Lessons
  • 2 Implementation Guides
  • Each story that you need for your life and business already exists. We often miss them because they don’t sound like a story to us… it’s just life. Youll get the process for finding each of the 4 stories that your business needs.
  • Bring everything together to craft each type of story and tailor them to your specific marketing position.
  • Strategically tell your stories, knowing when to emphasize, draw on emotions, and how to read the room. 

Learning Points

A Deep Dive Into the Stories that Transform Your Business

  • What you’ll learn by taking the Deep Dive
  • How to use stories to bring clarity, diffuse tension and boost understanding
  • The precise steps for crafting and telling a story
  • The process for determining what story to tell and when
  • Insights into the 4 types of stories every business MUST have
  • Activities designed to guide your storytelling

The course videos, implementation sheets, and case studies are available immediately after you enroll.  




Instructor Speaking Profiles

Kindra Hall
  • Storyteller

Kindra Hall first captivated an audience in the spring of 1992. While fulfilling a 5th-grade language arts assignment, she read a story to a room of lively third graders, discovering her innate talent for storytelling. This early experience sparked a journey that predated storytelling rise as a coveted skill in the business world. Today, Kindra […]

  • Travels from: New York, NY

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