Master Newsjacking

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  • One-Time Payment
  • Cost: $449
  • Online Course
About Course

With Master Newsjacking, You Will Get Media Attention and Grow Your Business.

Learn How to Easily Generate Sales Leads and Add New Customers at Zero Cost.

Master Newsjacking

Unlike other sales and marketing approaches where you interrupt potential customers with your offering, Newsjacking is all about getting in front of buyers when they are eager to engage with you.

  • Are you having difficulty generating attention for your business?
  • Have you tried using social media but failed to make it work for your origination?
  • Are you tired of paying for expensive advertising that doesn’t work?
  • Have you tried using agencies who never really understand what you do?
  • Are you ready to grow your business now?

Imagine how much attention you can generate, if you know how to reach the reporters and analysts who are looking for experts like you to quote in their stories from being able to Master Newsjacking.

How would your life change if you could generate sales leads and grow your business… for free?
How would you feel if your ideas could be seen by millions of people?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could get your products and services in front of people at the moment they are eager to buy?

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David Meerman Scott is a globally recognized expert in sales and marketing, renowned for his transformative insights and dynamic speaking engagements.

With a career spanning over three decades, Scott has established himself as a thought leader, author, and consultant, influencing the way businesses approach marketing and sales.

He is the author of numerous best-selling books, including “The New Rules of Marketing and PR,” which has been translated into over 29 languages and is used as a textbook in hundreds of universities and business schools worldwide.

His groundbreaking work emphasizes the importance of real-time marketing and the power of content to drive business growth.

Learning Points

Are you wondering if Newsjacking is for you?

  • If you want to get your ideas seen by millions of people on TV, in newspapers and magazines, and via online news sites then Newsjacking is for you.
  • If you want to generate sales leads and grow your business, then Newsjacking is for you.
  • If you’re looking for ways to generate attention for zero cost, then Newjacking is for you.
  • If you want to have fun while doing your marketing, then Newsjacking is for you.

Newsjacking is not a good fit for some.

  • Newsjacking is free, so if you love to pay for advertising, then it isn’t for you.
  • Newsjacking is a technique that anybody can master, so if you prefer to hire expensive agencies to do your marketing for you, then it isn’t for you.
  • Newsjacking is about standing out from the crowd, so if you prefer to be like everyone else, then it isn’t for you.

  • 40 VIDEOS
    More than 40 short videos that make Newsjacking easy to learn
    Exercises to make it easy to implement Newsjacking in your business
    Understand how the real-time news cycle works and why journalists are looking for what you have to offer.
    Learn what’s important to journalists so you can effectively position your expertise.
    Master the strategies for how Newsjacking generates sales leads and grows business.
    Discover how to use simple and free online tools to find the best news stories for your Newsjacking.
    Understand the danger of Newsjacking the wrong kinds of stories.
    Learn how to develop a real-time mindset so Newsjacking is always ready to grow your business when the time is right.


While you can watch the videos and complete the worksheets in a few hours, I recommend that you invest about half an hour a day to do one lesson per day for a week.

Once you subscribe to Master Newsjacking!, the course never expires. You can come back and review the content at any time. And when I add new modules, you will have access to them, too!


Instructor Speaking Profiles

David Meerman Scott
  • Sales Speaker

David Meerman Scott is a globally recognized expert in sales and marketing, renowned for his transformative insights and dynamic speaking engagements. With a career spanning over three decades, Scott has established himself as a thought leader, author, and consultant, influencing the way businesses approach marketing and sales. He is the author of numerous best-selling books, […]

  • Travels from: Boston, MA

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The profiles and artwork embedded on these pages are from various speakers and talent.

WeSpeak Global provides costs that are accurate at time of publishing.

These remain the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by WeSpeak Global.

Course Fees listed on this website are intended to serve as a guideline only.

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