A Masters Course in Public Speaking

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  • Cost: $1,995
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About Course

Public speaking is a learned skill. And, becoming a better speaker is about becoming a better communicator. This comprehensive Masters Course in Public Speaking has been designed to take place over four weeks, allowing you, as the student, to garner the most knowledge and value from the lessons. As modules and topics unfold over weekly segments, spending time practicing and completing exercises will allow you to build fundamental skills and positive habits.

A Masters Course in Public Speaking

You’ll dive deep into the foundation of communications, learning to use your voice for maximum impact to be a powerful speaker and to recognize the importance your physical body plays in public speaking, as well as the Brunner Method for practicing.

Whether you need to deliver a presentation, make a pitch, appear on a panel, host a podcast, or speak to the media, this course will guide your learning, allowing you to grow in confidence, to engage an audience, and to have your voice, your message, heard as you intend.

Whether you’re early in your career or a c-suite executive, “How to Be A Rock Star Public Speaker” will take your speaking and communication skills to the next level. This online Masters Course in Public Speaking is about building your foundation and creating your own personal tool box to be a powerful rock star public speaker.

Elevate Your Communication Skills

A Masters Course in Public Speaking is an advanced program designed to transform proficient speakers into masters of the art of oration. This comprehensive course offers an in-depth exploration of the techniques, strategies, and nuances essential for powerful and persuasive public speaking. Ideal for professionals across all industries, this course provides the tools needed to captivate audiences, convey messages with clarity, and inspire action.

Course Highlights

  1. Advanced Speech Writing: Learn to craft compelling speeches that resonate with diverse audiences. This module covers the art of storytelling, structuring arguments, and using rhetorical devices to enhance your message.
  2. Vocal Mastery: Develop control over your voice to effectively convey emotions, emphasize key points, and maintain audience engagement. Techniques for modulation, pitch variation, and pacing are thoroughly explored.
  3. Body Language and Presence: Understand the importance of non-verbal communication. This section focuses on gestures, facial expressions, and posture to complement your verbal message and establish a commanding presence on stage.
  4. Audience Analysis and Engagement: Gain insights into audience psychology and learn strategies to connect with and engage different types of audiences. This includes tailoring your message to their interests, needs, and expectations.
  5. Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety: Equip yourself with practical methods to manage and overcome the fear of public speaking. This module provides psychological tools and relaxation techniques to boost confidence.
  6. Interactive Workshops and Real-time Feedback: Participate in hands-on workshops where you will practice your speaking skills and receive constructive feedback from experienced public speaking coaches and peers.
  7. Crisis Communication: Learn how to handle challenging situations and difficult questions with poise and professionalism. This section covers techniques for staying calm and persuasive under pressure.

Who Should Enroll?

This Masters Course in Public Speaking is perfect for business leaders, educators, politicians, motivational speakers, sales professionals, and anyone looking to elevate their public speaking skills to the highest level. Whether you are an experienced speaker aiming to perfect your craft or a professional seeking to enhance your communication abilities, A Masters Course in Public Speaking offers the expertise and training you need to succeed.


A Masters Course in Public Speaking is more than just a program; it is a transformative journey that empowers you to speak with confidence, clarity, and influence. By mastering the art of public speaking, you can inspire change, lead effectively, and make a lasting impact in your professional and personal life. Join us and unlock your potential as a masterful speaker.

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Liz Brunner, a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and the CEO and founder of Brunner Communications, has established herself as a transformative force in the realm of media and communications. With over 35 years of experience, she has honed her expertise to become a sought-after consultant for high-profile individuals and organizations looking to build powerful brand identities.

Liz is also a celebrated author, with her best-selling book “Dare to Own You: Taking Your Authenticity and Dreams Into Your Next Chapter” receiving accolades from Forbes. Her extensive career has positioned her as a frequent speaker at major corporate conventions, including Stifel, the Barron’s Women Summit, and the CoreNet Global Summit, as well as numerous colleges and universities.

Liz’s journey to becoming a leader in her field is marked by her relentless pursuit of excellence and a passion for helping others succeed. Her work in media has provided her with a unique perspective on the importance of authentic communication and the impact it can have on an individual’s personal and professional life. As a speaker, coach, and author, Liz has inspired countless individuals to embrace their true selves and pursue their dreams with confidence.

Course Modules

  • Show Content
  • How to use this course
  • A Note on Exercises
  • Download Your Course Workbook
  • Before we begin…

  • Show Content
  • Getting Started
  • Getting Started: Module 1, Topic 1 Exercise
  • Voice Glossary

  • Show Content
  • The Voice
  • The Voice Exercises: Module 2, Topic 1
  • The Breath
  • The Breath Exercises: Module 2, Topic 2
  • Power of the Pause
  • The Power of the Pause Exercises: Module 2, Topic 3
  • Volume
  • Volume Exercises: Module 2, Topic 4

  • Show Content
  • Introduction to Vocal Variety
  • Pace
  • Pace Exercises: Module 3, Topic 2
  • Pitch, Inflection, Up-Pitch, Tone, Timbre
  • Pitch, Inflection, Up-Pitch, Tone, Timbre Exercises: Module 3, Topic 3

  • Show Content
  • Introduction to Body Language
  • The Face: Facial Expressions, Eyes & Smiling
  • The Face: Facial Expressions, Eyes & Smiling Exercises: Module 4, Topic 2
  • The Body: Head to Toe
  • The Body Exercises: Module 4, Topic 3

  • Show Content
  • The Science of Storytelling
  • Story Structure: Open
  • Story Structure: The Arc, the Middle, & the Close
  • Story Structure Exercises: Module 5, Topic 3
  • Media, Panelist, Moderator
  • Media, Panelist, Moderator Exercises: Module 5, Topic 4

  • Show Content
  • Putting It All Together
  • Putting It All Together Exercises: Module 6, Topic 1
  • Transition, Scripts & How To Practice
  • Final Thoughts

  • Show Content
  • More resources for you
  • Before you go…

Learning Points

  • Online public speaking course with award-winning journalist and communications coach, Liz Brunner
  • Course exercises let you put your new knowledge to work
  • Course workbook and bonus content
  • Available add-on “one-on-one” customized communication coaching bundle with an Executive
  • Communications Coach at Brunner Communications to take your growth to the next level
  • Course certificate


Every person comes to the table at a different place on the learning curve. The content in this course is designed to help you push the bar for you personally, no matter where you are on your path. Supplementing the course content is a 60+ page workbook, providing you with the opportunity to practice the techniques highlighted in the course and to instill the knowledge learned.

If you have to pitch a client, if you have to be a moderator, if you have to be in the media, if you have to present to your boss – anytime you need to communicate, this course will help you.

We understand that schedules get busy and, so, this is a self-paced course. Though we encourage students not to break for long periods of time between units whenever possible to help knowledge retention, there are no time requirements for enrollment.

We’ve all heard the phrase “you learn something new every day.” In the communication world, it couldn’t be more true. There is always room for growth; always room for improvement. Each day we try new tones, rephrase questions, make mistakes, and grow.

Ask yourself –

  • When you stand up in front of clients or colleagues, are you connecting?
  • Are you engaging? How do you know?

If you have any apprehension around speaking or presenting in public – whether one-on-one, in a small group, or on a stage, this course is for you. If you feel confident, but don’t feel connected with those to whom you are speaking, this course is for you. The world has changed in terms of how people hear information.

This course will help you to communicate better today.

What impact will I see?This course will show you how to use your voice and the impact the voice has on how you communicate your message – whatever that message may be. Your audience will be more engaged. You will feel more confident.

Your content will improve. You will have clarity on that content. You will deliver your content in a more conversational way.

Clear and good communication is clear and good communication in any position and in any industry. It can help you move the dial in your career, no matter where your skill level is today. Even the best speakers have room to grow.

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Instructor Speaking Profiles

Liz Brunner
  • Authentic Leadership

Liz Brunner, a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and the CEO and founder of Brunner Communications, has established herself as a transformative force in the realm of media and communications. With over 35 years of experience, she has honed her expertise to become a sought-after consultant for high-profile individuals and organizations looking to build powerful brand […]

  • Travels from: Boston, MA

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WeSpeak Global provides costs that are accurate at time of publishing.

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Course Fees listed on this website are intended to serve as a guideline only.

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