Stories That Stick Mastery

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  • One-Time Payment
  • Cost: $395
  • Online Course
About Course

Kindra’s most comprehensive digital storytelling training program.

Stories That Stick Mastery is designed to engrain the skill of storytelling into your psychology; giving you the tools to captivate customers, influence audiences and transform your business.

Transform Your Purpose into a Story that Captivates and Converts

Craft the 4 most critical stories to your business that influence audiences, captivate leads, and turn buyers into loyal, referral-driving business.

I know how critical storytelling is to a business because for the past 30 years I have been studying, researching, teaching and training on the power of storytelling.

Stories That Stick Mastery

My work has been featured in the Harvard Business Review,, and I am the former Chief Storytelling Officer of Success Magazine. My book Stories that Stick: How to Captivate Customers, Influence Audiences and Transform Business debuted at #2 on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller List, has been translated into 13 languages, and has sold over 100,000 copies in the US.

Forbes said it might be the most important business book you read.

I spend much of my time traveling the US and abroad speaking to audiences as large as 20,000 people, across all industries, about the power of strategic storytelling in business and nothing brings me MORE joy than hearing of someone’s story-success after applying the Stories That Stick framework to their business.

I designed the Stories That Stick Mastery program to teach you my strategic storytelling framework, give you a foolproof process to follow and show you step-by-step how to craft the most authentic (and persuasive) stories in your business.

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I’m Kindra Hall! Bestselling Author, Speaker, Storyteller, and your new Hype Woman!

What began as a storytelling assignment in 5th grade, grew into a passion for not only telling stories, but a mastery for teaching others the methods and science of storytelling so they can better tell their own.

I am a National Champion storyteller (yes, they have those), member of the Board of Directors of the National Storytelling Network and hold a master’s degree in communications where I conducted original research studying the role of storytelling in defining and revealing organizational culture.

I’ve worked with brands like Facebook, Hilton Hotels, Tyson Foods, Target, Berkshire Hathaway and the Harvard Medical School.

What I know to be true is that storytelling works in life much like it does in business. Just as I’ve taught thousands to use stories to create better business, I can teach you to use stories to create a better life. 


Course Modules

The Power of Strategic Storytelling
Stories are powerful tools, but too often, people overlook opportunities to use that tool or fail to truly harness the power when they try.

  • Understand the science of storytelling and why it is the most effective strategy in business.
  • Learn what is NOT a story and come to recognize the 6 biggest storytelling mistakes (so you can avoid it).
  • Get to the root of what keeps you from telling stories and how to avoid missed opportunities.

4 training videos

3 application worksheets

The fail-proof storytelling formula

The Storytelling Process
Begin the systematic approach to telling stories. You’ll learn critical strategies for each of the three stages to storytelling: finding the story, crafting the story and telling the story.

  • You’ll unlock the three-part framework for crafting a story and discover specific places you can tell stories for maximum impact.
  • 5 Key strategies for finding your stories. The time to find your stories is before you need to use them.
  • The 3-Part framework that anybody can use and that works for any story.
  • How to become an agile storyteller, someone who is able to tell a story no matter what the situation, audience mix or time constraints.
  • 4 specific places where you can tell your stories; eliminating the discomfort of telling stories. 

4 training videos

3 application worksheets

Find, Craft and Tell Your Stories 

The Steller Storytelling Method

Once you master this methodology, you will be able to positively impact your business results in significant ways by improving the effectiveness of your messages.

  • 4 key components to a stellar Story: identifiable characters, authentic emotion, a moment and specific details.
  • Work with the exact message that we tested in the stellar Storytelling Research Report so you can see for yourself how the four storytelling components transformed it
  • Real examples to show the difference you can expect when using a story to convey an idea rather than a typical marketing message
  • Practice crafting a story using hypothetical situations. You’ll focus on putting the story together, without needing to also find your own story that fits the situation.

8 training videos

3 application worksheets

Perfect the most important storytelling components

The Value Story
The Value Story is your sales and marketing story. When you tell these stories, you’re demonstrating the value of what you do or what your product provides. This is the story that fills in gaps between you and your potential customer.

  • The formula for finding value stories and how you use them. This is a step-by-step process Kindra’s used with major brands to find the exact stories that demonstrate the value of their offer.
  • Create a catalog of Value Stories you can use throughout your sales process and marketing.
  • An action plan for deploying the Value Story in your business.

4 training videos

1 application worksheet

DIY Value Story Builder

Create a story suite that becomes your sales manual.

The Customer Story
A Customer story illustrates value but does so through the customer. This makes Customer Stories the most effective way to communicate the value of what you have to offer.

  • How the co-creation process works between you and your customer, and how to extract the best testimonial.
  • Examine the three most common pitfalls that cause Customer Stories to go awry.
  • Go through real-life examples of each one, so you see how deviating from the customer story framework hurts the message and avoid making a similar mistake with your stories.
  • Practice crafting and using the Customer Story through an exercise where you’re the main character.
  • The Customer Story gathering process – eliminating the anxiety of asking for testimonials.

5 training videos

2 application worksheets

DIY Customer Story Builder

Getting your customer to write your story.

The Founder Story
The Founder Story is a collection of stories that every business has, but few use effectively.

  • Help people understand and appreciate the motivation of why you do what you do, and how you got to where you are today.
  • How to effectively tell the Founder Story even if you aren’t the founder.
  • Knowing what to keep and what to leave out of the Founder Story so the story effectively communicates the heart of what you do, while never losing focus on why you do it (ahem, the customer).
  • Identify the audiences that need to hear your Founder’s Story and find the perfect story that fits their needs.

5 training videos

1 application worksheets

DIY Founder Story Builder

Sharing your ‘why’ in a way that motivates others.

The Purpose Story
The Purpose Story permeates every aspect of business and life. Anytime you’re trying to deliver a message, anytime you’re communicating with your team, anytime you’re going through a hard time, any time people are looking to you, this is the story that you will turn to.

  • The 4 jobs a Purpose Story serves in your business and the unofficial rules for telling Purpose Stories.
  • Purpose Stories get personal but you don’t need to be nervous. Learn how much to share and how to tell your story with integrity.
  • Practice taking a message you need to convey and using a purpose story to make it stick.

5 training videos

1 application worksheets

DIY Purpose Story Builder

Clarify your purpose and inspire others with it. 

Learning Points

People are looking for the amazing gifts you offer, but you keep getting overlooked.
You used to get a lot of leads through your DMs or posts, but your engagement has plummeted. It feels like everyone ghosted you.

You address all the features and benefits in your Elevator Pitch, but your audience disengages the moment you start saying, “I help you…”

Just because a sales funnel worked for one business, doesn’t mean it is the wireframe for your business.

By the end of the program, you’ll be able to…

  • Effectively translate your value into a compelling story
    With the right elements, you can stop agonizing over features and benefits. In just a few hours of training, you’ll know the key components each story needs, and you’ll get the practice sheets to identify them in your business. 
  • Identify the exact moment when a story is needed (and call upon it immediately)
    There is nothing worse than having all these amazing ideas about how you can help someone, but you can’t find the words to share with them. Never be left without the words to share again – after the training, you’ll have an arsenal of stories to call upon at a moment’s notice.
  • Stop with the pushy-sales tactics that don’t feel genuine
    There are people out there that want to see you succeed. There are people that need your help. You don’t have to do a lot of convincing to get them to work with you. You’ll learn how to show them using stories. No more sales pitches.
  • Share your purpose with clarity
    Leave behind the tedious messages that get lost in a sea of business jargon. You’ll share an authentic, one-of-a-kind transformational story that inspires others to join you.

Sign up now and you’ll get these bonuses


4-Minute Story Makeovers

  Exclusive bonus videos

In these videos, watch Kindra breakdown the good, bad, and cringe-worthy hiccups in some (very) well-known brand stories, and the rewrite techniques that you can apply to your own stories.


FREE – Included with Stories That Stick Mastery!


Story Prompts

  Exclusive bonus workbook

Writer’s block is one of the biggest reasons that people don’t share their stories. They just don’t know how to start! In this instant download, you’ll get 36 story prompts to help spark ideas and get the creative juices flowing.


FREE – Included with Stories That Stick Mastery!


4 DIY Story Builders

 Exclusive bonus worksheets

Learning the science and art behind each of the four stories: Value, Customer, Founder and Purpose is essential. Putting them together on your own can be intimidating. Sign up today and you’ll get the 4 DIY Story Builder sheets – 1 for each story. You’ll go step-by-step, alongside your core training, to build each story and walk away with the 4 most effective stories to implement in your business.

$125 VALUE

FREE – Included with Stories That Stick Mastery!

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Instructor Speaking Profiles

Kindra Hall
  • Storyteller

Kindra Hall first captivated an audience in the spring of 1992. While fulfilling a 5th-grade language arts assignment, she read a story to a room of lively third graders, discovering her innate talent for storytelling. This early experience sparked a journey that predated storytelling rise as a coveted skill in the business world. Today, Kindra […]

  • Travels from: New York, NY

User Reviews

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  • Instructor: Brad Sugars
  • Online Course
Jay Shetty

BECOME THE BEST YOU. At your own pace. Transformation through workshops and meditations. Nurture strong, trusting relationships with the people in your life. Everyone you meet serves a purpose in your life, just as you serve a purpose in theirs. Allowing your connections to thrive and flourish starts with compassion and understanding. BECOME THE BEST […]

  • Instructor: Jay Shetty
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James Clear Ohio Speaker

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Elyse Archer

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On-camera Video Training

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  • One-Time Payment

The profiles and artwork embedded on these pages are from various speakers and talent.

WeSpeak Global provides costs that are accurate at time of publishing.

These remain the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by WeSpeak Global.

Course Fees listed on this website are intended to serve as a guideline only.

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