Tanya Menon

Tagline: Organizational Psychologist

Keynote Topics

Spark Creativity with Behavior, Relationships and Habits

Humans are pattern-forming creatures—a skill that allows us to predict the future and survive. Pattern recognition is even part of IQ tests! It also is a barrier to innovation. We rapidly find the pattern (often the first thing that comes to mind), engage in a confirmatory path to collect information and go.

In this session, I will talk about creating a different mindset—seeing multiple patterns at the same time in an exploratory process. It is an open minded approach that doesn’t rush to closure. I will share with participants a few games that illustrate rapid pattern formation. We’re fast to the hypothesis, then we collect the data to confirm it.

We then engage in activities that put the mind on a very different channel: opening up and exploring in a way that’s exciting and inspiring. But the truth is—this approach can also be irritating when we want to drive to closure and action.

We then measure how people vary in a simple personal difference—need for structure. There’s much diversity on this in teams and it creates conflict especially as we balance creative exploration with closure and action. Are you a fast driver who gets on a clear path, sees the goal, and gets to their destination quickly? Or are you the one who’s perfectly comfortable aimlessly wandering without a clear path or even goal? And finally, how can these mindsets work together?

Potential learning objectives

  • Problem finding vs. problem solving interactive exercise
  • Know your personal mindset—and what irritates you (driving too fast or aimless wandering?). Recognize when each matter, and especially for those who like to drive fast: learn to appreciate the lack of structure, ambiguity, confusion as the places where novelty will arise.
  • Simple changes that will allow you to capture new patterns vs. rush to the same old ones. It might not be what you expect to see or hear—but it’s something new that others haven’t even detected yet.

One of the most frustrating parts of work is seeing a beautiful idea die in some slide deck. Or seeing a sale slip away when you know that you have the right offering for the customer.

Influence failures are a particularly sore spot for smart people. Tanya taught one of the most popular classes at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business on Power and Influence for over a decade. She met brilliant and analytic executives who often hoped that they could just show people their data and superior thinking — and that would be enough to instantly change minds.

This session is about showcasing your great ideas so that others will come along too. How can you frame your ideas, build acceptance for them, and drive others to act upon them?

At its core, this session is about being human—and the takeaways are for home as well as work.

Based on her co-authored book (Stop Spending, Start Managing, Harvard Business Review Press) and her research, Tanya’s information-packed sessions will help you re-design your messages so that they are likely to gain acceptance.

Tanya has run this session for both large-scale national sales meetings—and C-suite teams. The session can vary in level of interaction—with exercises or a lecture that guides you to workshop a persuasion effort you’re managing right now.

Potential learning objectives:

  • Learn Tanya’s three part model of persuasion: ego (make your way psychologically easy for people), social (fit the message to the group/culture), and physical (use behavioral channels to convert intention to action)
  • Recognize the barriers to influence: we end up trying to impose or will on the other person—rather than opening up a conversation; we go either too negative or positive, and get agreement but not action)
  • Get immediate insight on your own approach to influence
  • Learn to ask good questions to learn and shape the conversation vs. tell and control
  • When to go for the big, inspiring idea—and when to try deal making instead
  • Recognize when persuasion has become conflict—and how to move past it in productive ways.
  • What are the unique challenges women face as they own their voice with power and influence?

Building Relationships That Allow Us to Broaden and Thrive

One of Tanya’s favorite questions to ask people is how they got into their line of work. Or, how they met their significant other. Behind these major life decisions, we often discover an incredible story of networks and relationships.

And, while people love to share these stories of opportunity that transformed their careers and life course—they are also ambivalent about networking. They feel that networking is icky—violating the ways people with good taste connect with others—based on ‘using’ others for particular ends, not respecting them as an ends in themselves.

Tanya’s an award-winning professor who’s taught tens of thousands of MBA students and executives for over two decades in some of the top business schools worldwide, and has consulted and given keynotes for numerous Fortune 500 companies. Her TED talk on networking was one named one of the most popular of 2018.

Based on her co-authored book (Stop Spending, Start Managing, Harvard Business Review Press) and her research, Tanya’s information-packed sessions are designed to make collaboration fun and productive. The sessions are interactive, humorous, and full of memorable stories, but the star of the show will be the evidence based approaches proven to improve how you organize. She’s run this session for both large-scale meetings—and small teams.

Potential learning objectives

  • What’s your networking mindset? Is it stopping you from building the relationships you need to thrive at work?
  • Seeing and understanding the hidden organization below the org chart
  • How can you use networks to understand your position in an organization and potential for influence?
  • How can you think intentionally about building structures around you that maximize your access to new ideas—even when you’re working from home or in different geographies?
  • How can you also ensure that you have social support at work?
  • What are the unique challenges women/minorities face as they build relationships?

Deciding faster, smarter, and more wisely

As our machines and models become smarter, the future of work depends on how our uniquely human wisdom keeps pace. Tanya Menon’s book Stop Spending, Start Managing (Harvard Business Review Press, 2016) focuses on intractable problems at work. These typically take the form of Wicked Problems—defined as complex problems without precise answers (think: managing diversity, pandemics, climate change, or inequality). AI certainly helps us navigate complex challenges—but it also reveals gaping holes that human wisdom must fill. The future of work depends on how you will choose to use human wisdom to harness the AI and gain traction on your most wicked problems.

Tanya Menon is a former member of Center for Decision Research at the University of Chicago and she consulted for nearly a decade with a Fortune 500 financial services firm’s data and analytics group. Tanya’s talk will draw from the example of hiring decisions—a top money waster for organizations. She begins with the known limitations of ‘intuition’ in hiring, and how data/analytics—along with other design elements—offer a promising corrective to human bias. We’ll also see the challenges that still remain—that force us to think beyond the models:

Understanding the what. We hope for the model to spit out a solution—but have we asked the right questions? Have we truly understood the problem? The first type of wisdom lies in finding the problem before entering problem-solving mode.

A key challenge occurs when the models anchor on the past—and the past doesn’t predict the future. What are the scenarios for your future—and how do you hire for those? This involves learning from the lessons of the past, getting un-stuck from them, and envisioning new possibilities.

Understanding the why behind the answer. We get the ‘answer’ from the analytics, but rather than revealing deeper truths and root causes, it simply reflects superficial biases. The second type of wisdom allows us to see the limits of our data, correct its biases, and think more deeply about the hidden stories that explain the data.

Understanding who we are and who we will become: It’s often said that we’re merely the sum of our choices—so what does it mean if a machine is driving our choices? The third type of wisdom lies in the power of our identities and guiding values. In hiring, it emerges in how you handle ambiguous (and value-laden) words like ‘merit’ and ‘fit’ that can become a source of bias—if you don’t surface and define them. By clarifying and anchoring your choices in your values, you will control the model, and the choices that create your identity and future.

Potential learning objectives

  • Defining how the AI/human partnership will emerge
  • Understanding what makes problems intractable—and how to break through them.
  • Wisdom and Strategic thinking (problem finding/solving)
  • Value clarification to define problems and priorities

This session is for anyone who’s suffered through too many hours in unproductive meetings or on teams that don’t reach their potential. How can we stop squandering collective talent and start creating high value collaboration? And how do we should we think about collaboration today, as our work arrangements have been transformed?

Tanya’s an award-winning professor who’s taught tens of thousands of MBA students and executives for over two decades in some of the top business schools worldwide, and has consulted and given keynotes for numerous Fortune 500 companies. Her TED talk was one named one of the most popular of 2018.

Based on her co-authored book (Stop Spending, Start Managing, Harvard Business Review Press) and her research, Tanya’s information-packed sessions are designed to make collaboration fun and productive. The sessions are interactive, humorous, and full of memorable stories, but the star of the show will be the evidence based approaches proven to help you collaborate better. Her goal is to transform how you think about organizing—so that your smart people can become smart groups. She’s run this session for both large groups of 100s of participants—and small C-suite teams.

The session will be highly interactive with short group exercises. The topic could be a one hour intro or 20 hours! Regardless, it will surface the dangerous processes that squander your group’s talents, and provide you with immediate fixes that transform the way you work.

Potential learning objectives:

  • What are your assumptions about teams?
  • The two most dangerous people in groups—the persuasive idiot and the quiet expert—and how to foil them.
  • What norms that have implicitly shaped how your group functions—and can you be intentional about setting more productive norms?
  • Knowing when to be a group and when to be an individual
  • How do you maximize the diversity of voices that are heard?
  • How do you organize the confusion of perspectives—and then pick the best ideas?
  • Remote work

Rather than focusing on people’s ‘biases,’ Tanya’s work is about creating great systems where diverse talent can be seen and can thrive. How do we broaden networks to hire beyond the traditional talent pools? How do we de-bias gut-feel hiring practices? What are best practices in performance management? These are in fact all the topics that PSA Security Network happened to list as critical topics for the engagement. While we can’t talk about all of these areas in a single talk, we can deeply examine a few. The conversation will lie at the fascinating intersection of human decision making and the organizational practices that can ideally defend against bias.

Tanya’s spoken on the topic of Hiring Better at industry associations, businesses, and to hundreds of alumni at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Managers surveyed for her book, Stop Spending, Start Managing, reported that hiring mistakes were the largest source of waste—costing their companies millions!

She divides the hiring problem into two challenges: (1) Having too narrow of a pool, and (2) Biased filtering of the pool. For the first part, she considers how narrow networks, a rigid checklist mentality, and failure to recognize the subjectivity of meritocracy all inhibit our chances of seeing diverse talent in the pool. (And, they also lead to unpleasant hiring meetings too!)

To explore the second challenge, Tanya plays an interactive game so that you’ll get individualized feedback on your intuition—and a sense of its limits. She then breaks down the hiring process to help identify cues that predict good hires and those that don’t; the power of algorithms and the biases they perpetuate; specific interview questions that yield good data, and how to interpret them; and specific de-biasing processes that allow you to capture the advantage of both the algorithm and the human decision maker.

You will leave the session with a checklist where you can assess your own hiring processes. She will also share cutting edge resources, all based on data/research, so that you can study these topics further and identify tools needed to make better, faster, smarter, and fairer hiring decisions.



Talent Highlights

  • Leadership Strategist and Expert in Organizational Behavior: Tanya Menon specializes in helping leaders and teams assess organizational gaps and improve performance through behavioral science principles. She brings over two decades of experience in leadership development and cultural transformation.
  • Professor at Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business: As a professor, Tanya educates future leaders in areas of leadership, power dynamics, and decision-making, ensuring her insights are grounded in both research and practical application.
  • Acclaimed Keynote Speaker: Tanya has been invited to speak at TEDx, corporate leadership summits, and industry conferences globally, sharing her expertise on leadership, team dynamics, and organizational effectiveness.
  • Researcher and Published Author: Tanya has authored numerous studies and articles published in top-tier journals on topics such as networking, organizational learning, and decision-making, positioning her as a thought leader in her field.

Travels from:

  • Columbus, OH

Fee Range:**

  • USA: $12,500

$1,500 flat travel fee, plus client is responsible for venue-city ground and hotel

  • Virtual: $10,000

Tanya Menon is a renowned leadership strategist and keynote speaker who helps organizations and teams bridge the gap between where they are and where they need to be. With a focus on leadership development, team dynamics, and organizational culture, Tanya has spent decades studying human behavior in organizations. She empowers leaders to make strategic decisions and helps companies transform their work environments, ensuring that they not only survive but thrive in today’s rapidly changing business landscape.

Menon’s expertise lies in her ability to break down complex behavioral science concepts into actionable strategies that organizations can implement. Her dynamic presentations and workshops provide leaders with the tools they need to assess their current state, identify areas for growth, and close performance gaps. She is not only a thought leader in her field but also a trusted advisor to many organizations across industries.

Tanya Menon | Organizational Culture

Tanya Menon is an expert in organizational behavior, leadership, and human dynamics, with a rich academic background to support her knowledge. She is a professor at Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business, where she teaches courses on leadership, power, and influence. Her research focuses on how organizations can foster a high-performance culture and empower their employees to take initiative, innovate, and collaborate effectively. Tanya has authored numerous studies and publications, including papers in prestigious journals, on topics such as networking, organizational learning, and decision-making.

What sets Menon apart as an expert is her ability to translate theoretical concepts into practical tools. She has worked with various Fortune 500 companies, helping them diagnose the key obstacles in their leadership practices and offering tailored solutions to drive change. Her experience as an educator and consultant gives her a unique understanding of both the academic and real-world challenges that leaders face today.

Tanya Menon’s authority in the field of leadership and organizational behavior is unparalleled, making her a highly sought-after keynote speaker. Her extensive research, combined with years of hands-on experience consulting with organizations around the world, establishes her as a credible and reliable voice. Menon’s presentations have garnered acclaim for their depth, clarity, and practicality, ensuring that her audiences walk away with actionable insights.

As a keynote speaker, she has shared the stage with top thought leaders and has been invited to speak at prestigious conferences, including TEDx and leadership summits hosted by major corporations. Her ability to command the attention of executives, managers, and team leaders alike demonstrates her authority in the field. Event planners and corporate clients trust Menon’s knowledge, confident that she will deliver value to their teams and organizations.

Tanya Menon’s trustworthiness stems from her commitment to delivering reliable, evidence-based insights. As a professor and researcher, her work is grounded in scientific rigor and real-world application, which means her strategies are both innovative and effective. Her reputation as an honest and forthright speaker is built on her dedication to helping organizations not only identify their challenges but also find meaningful solutions.

Additionally, her integrity as a speaker shines through in her transparency and openness. Menon ensures that every client engagement is personalized and tailored to the specific needs of the organization. She builds trust by focusing on long-term, sustainable outcomes rather than quick fixes. Her clients consistently commend her for her authentic approach and genuine passion for helping organizations succeed.

Why Event Planners Should Book Tanya Menon

Tanya Menon should be booked by event planners because of her unique ability to blend research-based knowledge with real-world leadership experience. As a speaker, she brings a wealth of insights from her years of teaching, researching, and consulting, ensuring that her presentations are not only informative but also transformative. Event planners looking for a keynote speaker who can deliver powerful messages on leadership, culture change, and team dynamics will find Menon to be a perfect fit.

Moreover, Tanya Menon’s presentations are highly engaging and interactive. She doesn’t simply lecture but actively involves her audience, making the experience memorable and impactful. Her focus on actionable takeaways means that attendees leave her sessions with clear steps to improve their leadership and organizational performance. This ensures that her talks resonate long after the event, providing real value to the audience.

Menon’s ability to address the critical gaps in organizational effectiveness makes her an invaluable resource for companies looking to innovate and grow. Event planners who are searching for a speaker who can address the modern challenges of leadership and provide practical solutions should not hesitate to book her.

Why Event Planners Should Use Conference Speakers

Conference Speakers is the premier platform for connecting event planners with world-class keynote speakers like Tanya Menon. With a diverse roster of top-tier talent, Conference Speakers ensures that every event is tailored to the specific needs of its clients, offering seamless and efficient service. When booking through Conference Speakers, event planners can trust that they are getting access to highly vetted and reputable speakers who deliver exceptional value.

Furthermore, Conference Speakers provides unmatched support throughout the entire booking process. From selecting the right speaker to managing the logistics, the team works closely with event planners to ensure that every detail is taken care of. This level of professionalism and dedication ensures that every event is a success.

Summary and Conclusion

Tanya Menon is a distinguished keynote speaker and leadership expert who has dedicated her career to helping organizations close the gap between their current state and their potential. With a deep background in organizational behavior and leadership, she brings a unique blend of academic insight and practical experience to her presentations. Her expertise, combined with her engaging speaking style, makes her a sought-after speaker for companies looking to drive growth and foster innovation.

Event planners who want to provide their audience with actionable strategies to improve leadership and team dynamics should consider booking Tanya Menon. Her ability to deliver practical insights, backed by research, ensures that attendees leave with tools they can immediately apply to their work. By partnering with Conference Speakers, event planners can also benefit from a streamlined booking process and exceptional service.

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What is a full-service speaker booking agency?

A full-service speaker booking agency is an organization that handles all aspects of speaker engagements, from identifying and recommending speakers based on event objectives, to negotiating contracts, and managing logistics. Agencies like Speakers Inc provide extensive support throughout the process, ensuring that the right speaker is matched to the right event, that all technical and logistical needs are met, and that the event runs smoothly. This includes handling travel arrangements, audio-visual requirements, and any special accommodations the speaker might need. By offering a comprehensive suite of services, a full-service agency allows event planners to focus on their overall event strategy and attendee experience without getting bogged down in the details of speaker management.

Why is Speakers Inc Bureau different from other booking agencies?

Speakers Inc Bureau distinguishes itself through a deep commitment to personalized service and a unique understanding of client and speaker needs. Our approach is built on more than 25 years of industry experience, enabling us to not only anticipate the needs of our clients but also to provide insightful recommendations that enhance event outcomes. We pride ourselves on our:

  • Expert Matching: Leveraging our extensive network, we carefully match speakers to events based on a deep understanding of both the speaker’s expertise and the event’s goals.
  • Global Reach with Local Insight: With offices in major cities like New York, San Diego, and London, we combine global reach with local expertise, ensuring that no matter where your event is, we have on-the-ground insights.
  • End-to-End Support: From initial inquiry to post-event follow-up, our team offers continuous support, ensuring every aspect of the speaker engagement is flawless.
  • Innovation and Trends: We stay at the forefront of industry trends, including the integration of technology and new media in speaking engagements, which allows our clients to benefit from the latest innovations.
  • Ethical and Transparent Practices: Honesty, integrity, loyalty, and trust are the pillars of our operations, reflecting our commitment to ethical practices in all our interactions.

How can I find the right speaker for my event through Speakers Inc?

To find the perfect speaker for your event, you can start by visiting our website or contacting our client service team directly. We will discuss your event’s objectives, theme, audience demographics, and budget. Based on this information, we will provide you with a curated list of speaker recommendations who not only align with your goals but are also known for engaging and captivating audiences. You can also browse through our extensive speaker profiles online, which include detailed bios, speaking topics, and video clips of past engagements to help you make an informed decision.

What types of events does Speakers Inc cater to?

Speakers Inc caters to a wide range of events, including corporate meetings, conferences, educational workshops, leadership retreats, and public seminars. Our speakers specialize in various topics such as business, technology, health, education, motivation, and more, making us a versatile partner capable of servicing diverse event needs.

How do I book a speaker through Speakers Inc?

Booking a speaker through Speakers Inc is straightforward:

  1. Initial Consultation: Contact us with your event details, including date, location, audience, and objectives.
  2. Speaker Selection: Choose from our recommendations or browse our online profiles to select your preferred speaker.
  3. Contract and Confirmation: We handle all negotiations and contracts to ensure all terms are clear and favorable. Once the contract is signed, your speaker is confirmed.
  4. Event Preparation: We coordinate with you and the speaker to prepare for the event, handling all logistical details to ensure a seamless experience.
  5. Event Execution and Follow-Up: Our team supports you on the day of the event to handle any last-minute details, and we conduct a post-event follow-up to gather feedback and ensure satisfaction.

What support does Speakers Inc provide on the day of the event?

On the day of the event, a dedicated Speakers Inc coordinator can be available to manage the speaker’s schedule, ensure all technical requirements are met, and assist with any last-minute changes. This on-site support is designed to ensure that the speaker’s presentation goes as smoothly as possible, allowing event organizers to focus on their guests and overall event execution.

How does Speakers Inc handle speaker travel arrangements?

Speakers Inc manages all travel logistics for speakers, including flights, accommodations, and local transportation. We ensure that travel is efficient and meets the needs of both the speaker and the event, relieving you of the administrative burden and potential complications of managing these details.

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