Unwavering Focus On-Demand Course

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  • One-Time Payment
  • Cost: $97
  • Online Course
About Course

My Unwavering Focus course teaches you how the mind works, and how to learn, practice and develop concentration and willpower. The purpose of this is so that you can empower yourself with these tools and teachings in order to focus your mind and energy towards manifesting your goals in life. I will also share with you how you can use these learnings to handle and overcome worry, fear, anxiety, and stress, and start living a life focused on purpose and joy.

Why a course on Focus?

We all face challenges in life. In addition to that, we also face global challenges as well – from political to environmental, social to educational and more.

The average attention span for most individuals is eight seconds. How do we expect to find solutions to personal and global challenges if people can’t stay with a problem long enough to solve it? The first step in beginning to find a solution to personal and global challenges is to learn how to focus with Unwavering Focus. When we can stay with a problem long enough we can begin the process of finding a solution for it.

Unwavering Focus On-Demand Course

When you can have an understanding of how your mind works and learn to focus it, you can empower yourself with the greatest tool on earth. With this you can now use your powers of concentration to manifest your goals and to solve the challenges in your life and globally.

What will you say on your death bed?

On your deathbed, how will you look back on your life and what will you say about how you lived your life? Will it be filled with regrets and “wish I had done…” or will you look back at it and say to yourself that was truly an amazing life?

If you want it to be an amazing life then you need to take charge of your life; learn and empower yourself with tools to master your mind and focus, and start living that amazing life.

Don’t waste time with Unwavering Focus. Life is ever ebbing away.

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Dandapani is an internationally renowned and highly sought-after speaker who is revolutionizing the business world with his practical and simple systematic approach to balancing work/life challenges.


His talks offer attendees an understanding of how the mind works so they can create sustainable changes in their personal and professional lives. He delivers keynote addresses all over the world and also presents half-day and full-day workshops.


He is consistently ranked as a top speaker by talk attendees and has been invited back by multiple groups for follow-up workshops.


Dandapani is a Hindu priest, entrepreneur and a former monk of 10 years. After graduating university with a degree in Electrical Engineering he left it all behind to become a Hindu monk under the guidance of one of Hinduism’s foremost spiritual leaders of our time, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. For 10 years he lived a life of serious personal discipline and training at his guru’s cloistered monastery in Hawaii.


Learning Points

My Unwavering Focus course is for those who want to commit to changing their lives and are willing to do the hard work needed to manifest the life they want. It is for people who want to study with me, be humble, learn and follow my instructions. It is for those who are willing to take time as change takes time and a tremendous amount of willpower.

Will your life change by doing this course? The answer is No. But if you apply the tools and teachings that I share in this course in your life then you can be sure your life will change. The burden of responsibility is on you and you alone. I can share with you these teachings but you have to do the work. If you are not willing to do the work then I highly recommend you don’t sign up for this course.

Are you living the life you want to be living? Or is it far from what you had hoped it would be?

It takes tremendous courage and humility to be able to say that I am not where I hoped I would be at this age. And to further say, “I want to create a change in my life and starting living the life I had always dreamed of.”


You have been given one life. Just one. But with no instruction manual. You’ve also been given a mind – the most sophisticated tool on this planet and this too with no instruction manual. And all of us who have been given a life and a mind are expected to figure out what to do with both in this finite time that we are here on this planet.

A simple, practical life-changing course outlining a step-by-step and goal-orientated approach to mastering the mind and developing unwavering focus.


Empower yourself with tools and teachings to handle and overcome worry, fear, anxiety, and stress, and start manifesting your life’s goals.


Instructor Speaking Profiles

  • Inspiring Hindu Priest

Dandapani is an internationally renowned and highly sought-after speaker who is revolutionizing the business world with his practical and systematic approach to balancing work/life challenges. His talks offer attendees an understanding of how the mind works so they can create sustainable changes in their personal and professional lives. He delivers keynote addresses all over the […]

  • Travels from: Nosara, Costa Rica

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