David Allison

  • Featured Talent

Tagline: Leadership Values

Talent Highlights

  • Groundbreaking Work in Human Values: David Allison stands out for his groundbreaking work in the field of human values, where he has pioneered the integration of values-based metrics into organizational strategies. His research has unveiled the profound impact of human values on consumer behavior, organizational culture, and societal dynamics, reshaping our understanding of human interaction in contemporary society.
  • Multifaceted Expertise: With a career spanning across marketing, research, and authorship, David brings a wealth of multifaceted expertise to his speaking engagements. His academic background in psychology provides a solid foundation for his research endeavors, while his practical experience in marketing and branding consultancy offers real-world insights into consumer behavior and market trends. This unique combination of theoretical knowledge and practical acumen allows David to offer audiences a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between human values and business outcomes.
  • Compelling Speaker Presence: As a sought-after speaker, David possesses a dynamic and engaging speaking style that captivates audiences worldwide. He has a remarkable ability to convey complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner, keeping audiences enthralled from start to finish. Whether addressing corporate executives, marketing professionals, or community leaders, David’s charismatic presence and compelling narratives leave a lasting impression on attendees, inspiring them to rethink their approach to business and leadership.
  • Best-Selling Author: David’s influence extends beyond the stage through his best-selling books, which have garnered widespread acclaim for their insightful exploration of human values and their impact on society. His publications, including “The Valuegraphics Formula” and “We Are All the Same Age Now,” challenge conventional wisdom and spark conversations about the transformative power of values-driven leadership. By distilling complex concepts into accessible insights, David empowers readers to embrace a values-based approach to decision-making and problem-solving, further solidifying his reputation as a thought leader in the fields of marketing and organizational behavior.
  • Actionable Strategies for Success: One of David’s key strengths as a speaker lies in his ability to offer actionable strategies for success based on rigorous research and practical application. His presentations go beyond theoretical discussions to provide audiences with tangible tools and frameworks for leveraging human values to drive organizational success. Whether the goal is to enhance customer engagement, foster innovation, or build a values-driven corporate culture, David equips attendees with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve their objectives in today’s competitive business landscape.

Keynote Topics

Businesses don’t like risk, and the blend of chaos, emotion, and complexity that we call “the human factor” is one of the biggest risks any business must face. But right now, as incredibly disruptive technologies like AI emerge at a stunning pace, the only antidote is for us to become more incredibly human than ever before.

To do that, we need to make “the human factor” less risky. That’s what David Allison does in this keynote.

David’s team has turned human values into data, creating boardroom-friendly facts and figures to replace subjective conversations.
Now we can combine revolutionary new super-machines like AI with a revolutionary new understanding of the humans who use them. It’s the combination we need to solve any problem and achieve any goal.

Backed by nearly a million surveys completed in 152 languages, David’s transformative keynotes reveal the exact values that drive people with unprecedented detail and clarity. It’s no wonder his work is included in college textbooks used worldwide and leveraged by organizations like Google, PayPal, lululemon, and the United Nations Foundation.

Who is it for

  • People and Culture Professionals
  • Senior strategy-level leadership in any industry
  • Organizations faced with AI threats and opportunities
  • AI technology creators

Audience takeaways

  • The specific Power Values that will empower you to engage people and influence outcomes.
  • Creative, detailed strategies to immediately put the Power Values to use.
  • David’s revolutionary Values Thinking Process that turns shared values into actionable tactics.
  • The Three Telltale Questions that will identify the shared values of anyone you want to engage and inspire.

Leverage the next evolution in values-driven leadership with a scientific breakthrough in human values data.

Neurologists have known for years that leading people effectively requires tapping into their core values. But until now, there hasn’t been a way to identify, measure, and leverage the specific values shared by teams, or large groups of people.

Human values expert, leadership keynote speaker, and 2x best-selling author David Allison has turned our shared human values into accurate empirical data, conducting nearly a million surveys in 152 languages featuring hundreds of millions of data points. In his fast-paced and dynamic leadership keynotes, he isolates the values that mean the most to your teams, your entire workforce, or even the workforce of your entire industry. Then he shows you how to use values to tackle any issue and meet any goal.

Once you learn the accurate, science-backed, shared values of your people, the transformation begins. You’ll see your true self in your work. You’ll see where your values intersect with the values of people you need to engage. And you’ll find that more effective leadership comes from being more human. As David says: “If we let them, our values will unite us. Because we are all values-driven.”


  • Leaders and managers at all levels
  • Organizations that want to cultivate great leaders
  • Founders & Entrepreneurs


  • The specific Power Values that will empower you to engage people and influence outcomes.
  • Creative, detailed strategies to immediately put the Power Values to use.
  • David’s revolutionary Values Thinking Process that turns shared values into actionable tactics.
  • The Three Telltale Questions that will identify the shared values of anyone you want to engage and inspire.


  • Improve Collaboration: Learn how to leverage shared values for stronger team cohesion and enhanced collaboration.
  • Align Corporate Goals with Human Values: Understand how to align organizational goals with employee values for greater engagement.
  • Values-Based Conflict Resolution: Find out how to use values to navigate and resolve conflicts effectively.
  • Diverse Leadership Styles: Discover how to tailor leadership styles to meet the values of diverse teams.



David Allison, the world’s foremost authority on human values, is a dynamic and unique leadership keynote speaker who applies groundbreaking research across multiple industries.

As a pioneer in identifying and applying core human values, David assists leadership teams in understanding what truly motivates and drives their teams, teaching them how to use shared values to motivate, engage, and inspire people effectively.


His landmark keynotes, including those for Lincoln Financial, The Canadian Society of Association Executives, the Real Estate Forum, and more, along with his extensive studies for global entities like Genesys, The United Nations Foundation, PayPal, and Google, have realigned management initiatives and leadership styles with the values employees are driven by.


David’s expertise goes beyond team leadership, addressing how today’s leaders can impact consumers, financial partners, regulatory bodies, donors, prospects, and community members, all while enhancing ESG and DEI initiatives. With his vast experience across multiple sectors and working with a variety of stakeholder groups, David equips leadership teams to achieve their goals by focusing on what unites us all: our values.


His insights and methods have been featured in numerous podcasts, industry journals, and publications like Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and INC Magazine. His work is also included in textbooks worldwide, preparing the next generation of leaders to be values-driven.

Discover the revolutionary, scientifically proven source of employee engagement, retention, and achievement

It’s no secret that employee engagement and retention are in freefall. Companies continue to offer more perks and incentives, yet 85% of employees worldwide aren’t engaged at work. Many organizations are at a loss for how to make people do great things and feel satisfied along the way.

Human values expert, employee engagement keynote speaker and 2x best-selling author David Allison has dedicated his career to studying the core values that drive people to become engaged, inspired, and motivated. By conducting nearly a million surveys in 152 languages featuring hundreds of millions of data points, David and his team have turned shared human values into hard data that’s readable, meaningful, and actionable. It’s no wonder his work is included in college textbooks worldwide and leveraged by organizations like Google, PayPal, lululemon, and the United Nations Foundation.

Guided by David’s game-changing research – delivered in an unforgettably dynamic keynote – you’ll discover how to go beyond pointless perks to create an engaged workforce incentivized by what they value most. People don’t want ping pong tables and free pizza. Give them more of what they value, and you’ll unlock their true passion and full potential.


  • People and Culture Professionals
  • Senior strategy-level leadership in any industry
  • Pension and Benefits Providers


  • The specific Power Values that will empower you to engage people and influence outcomes.
  • Creative, detailed strategies to immediately put the Power Values to use.
  • David’s revolutionary Values Thinking Process that turns shared values into actionable tactics.
  • The Three Telltale Questions that will identify the shared values of anyone you want to engage and inspire.


  • Align Policies with Values: Gain insights into creating policies that resonate with what employees value most, fostering a culture of belonging and motivation.
  • Values-Driven Communication: Acquire strategies for communicating with your team in a way that honors their core values, enhancing clarity and commitment.
  • Boost Team Cohesion: Explore methods to identify and leverage common values within your team, strengthening bonds and collaboration.


David Allison stands at the forefront of transforming workplace culture and employee engagement as the world’s leading authority on human values. 

From his landmark keynote speech at Tech Talent North, Canada’s leading symposium for People & Culture professionals, to guiding IMEX (the world’s leading trade show for business events) to becoming an age-free organization, David has reshaped the very ethos of multiple industries. He’s used research to understand the unique challenges of recruiting specialists like Cloud Architects and AI engineers, and helped medical information systems giant QHR Technologies shape their workplace culture strategy. On a much larger scale, he profiled the global contact center workforce for Genesys, to help contact center leaders around the world craft workplace environments that resonate with their employees.

David’s thought leadership and insights are not just limited to keynote speeches; his work has been featured in numerous podcasts, industry journals, and prestigious publications such as Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and INC Magazine. Additionally, his pioneering research and methodologies are included in textbooks used on campuses worldwide, preparing the next generation of leaders to adopt a values-driven approach.

With an unmatched ability to translate complex data into actionable strategies, David Allison is a dynamic, memorable, and transformative employee engagement and retention keynote speaker. 

In his Signature Keynote, David tackles head-on the confusing times we live in today and makes the confusion fall away. He shows how the dawn of a new economic era is responsible for everything that people do, all around the world.

It’s not the gig economy, the sharing economy, or the experience economy anymore – we live in the Values Economy now.

The future of work, the future of leadership, the future of marketing….the future of everything is all about people, and people are all about their values. Because our values drive everything we do.

See the groundbreaking results from 750,000 surveys: the world’s first inventory of shared human values.
Learn how human values can radically transform the way you engage with the people you want to reach.
Be inspired to change how you look at people, and leave with data-tested tools to ensure you succeed in a values-driven world.

In his Custom Keynote, David reveals the results of a custom research project completed specifically for your event. He uses data to pinpoint a precise set of Power Values that will motivate, engage, and inspire employees, customers, prospects, donors…whoever your attendees need to reach.

He explains how to use the Power Values to make decisions about everything: from leadership to marketing, from people & culture to branding. No matter how rocky the road ahead may be, the Power Values are a timeless and predictive guiding light – a beacon that makes the path clear.

These are the same data-driven insights used by organizations like PayPal, lululemon, the United Nations Foundation, and many other global brands – and now your audience too.

Discover the motivating values of customers, prospects, investors, members…anyone, anywhere on earth.
Learn how to reach those people deep inside their hearts, and engage with them like a trusted friend.
Leave with a toolkit for building values-driven solutions, and strategies to motivate more people more often.

  • The Valueprint Self-Assessment Tool
  • The Thought Leaders Power Panel
  • Value graphics Masterclass
  • Special Edition Sessions

David Allison is a distinguished figure in the realm of human values, a global researcher, and a best-selling author, whose mission revolves around reshaping our comprehension of human behavior and interaction. With a rich and diverse career traversing marketing, research, and prolific authorship, David has left an indelible mark by introducing human values as a […]

David Allison is a distinguished figure in the realm of human values, a global researcher, and a best-selling author, whose mission revolves around reshaping our comprehension of human behavior and interaction.

With a rich and diverse career traversing marketing, research, and prolific authorship, David has left an indelible mark by introducing human values as a critical metric for organizational success in today’s Values Economy. His journey is not just one of professional achievement but also of profound impact, influencing businesses, leaders, and individuals worldwide.

David Allison | Leadership Values Expert

Expertise and Background:

David Allison’s expertise is rooted in his profound understanding of human values and their implications on various facets of society. His groundbreaking research has unveiled the intricate connections between human values and organizational success, revolutionizing traditional approaches to marketing and management.

As a sought-after speaker, David brings this wealth of knowledge and insight to audiences globally, captivating them with his compelling narratives and thought-provoking ideas. With a career spanning decades, David has amassed a wealth of experience in both academic and practical realms.

His academic background in psychology provides a solid foundation for his research endeavors, while his extensive work in marketing and branding consultancy has equipped him with real-world insights into the dynamics of consumer behavior and market trends. This unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience allows David to offer audiences a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between human values and business outcomes.

David’s influence extends far beyond the stage, as evidenced by his best-selling books that have garnered widespread acclaim. Through his publications, including “The Valuegraphics Formula” and “We Are All the Same Age Now,” David has challenged conventional wisdom and sparked conversations about the transformative power of human values in driving societal change. His ability to distill complex concepts into accessible insights has earned him a reputation as a thought leader in the fields of marketing, psychology, and organizational behavior.

As the founder of the groundbreaking Valuegraphics Project, David Allison has spearheaded the development of the first-ever comprehensive global inventory of core human values. Through his innovative approach, he has transformed values into a quantifiable business metric, providing organizations with invaluable insights that empower them to thrive in an era defined by shifting societal paradigms.

David’s expertise extends to international speaking engagements where he shares his profound insights and helps prominent brands forge meaningful connections with their audiences by aligning with their core values. His impact in the industry has been recognized by prestigious publications such as INC Magazine, which acclaimed one of his previous books as one of the top ten leadership books of the year.

In his latest literary endeavor, The Death of Demographics: Valuegraphic Marketing for a Values-Driven World, David Allison challenges conventional marketing wisdom by debunking the efficacy of traditional demographic segmentation in a rapidly evolving landscape. Drawing upon his extensive experience and research, he presents a compelling argument for the adoption of valuegraphic marketing strategies tailored to the values-driven preferences of contemporary consumers.

Throughout his illustrious career, David has amassed a wealth of experience working on campaigns for some of the world’s most renowned brands. His journey includes the establishment of an award-winning marketing creative firm and the publication of three influential books on communication strategy.

However, it was his relentless pursuit of understanding the fundamental drivers of human behavior that led him to question the relevance of demographics in a post-demographic era. In cities like San Diego, Vancouver, and Dallas, David Allison stands out as a prominent figure in the field of human values, offering invaluable insights as a keynote speaker. His presentations are not only informative but also transformative, challenging conventional thinking and inspiring audiences to embrace a new paradigm in understanding human values.

Why David Should Be Booked by Event Planners:

Event planners seeking to offer their audiences a unique and enlightening experience should consider David Allison as a keynote speaker. David’s dynamic speaking style, coupled with his unparalleled expertise in human values, guarantees to captivate and inspire audiences of all backgrounds.

Whether addressing corporate executives, marketing professionals, or community leaders, David has a remarkable ability to tailor his message to resonate with diverse audiences, leaving a lasting impact long after the event concludes. Furthermore, David’s insights are not merely theoretical; they are grounded in rigorous research and practical application.

By booking David Allison, event planners can provide attendees with actionable strategies for leveraging human values to drive organizational success and societal impact. Whether the goal is to foster innovation, enhance customer engagement, or build a values-driven corporate culture, David offers invaluable guidance backed by years of research and real-world experience.

In addition, David’s reputation as a best-selling author adds prestige and credibility to any event. His books serve as valuable resources for attendees seeking to delve deeper into the topics discussed during his presentations, ensuring a lasting legacy beyond the confines of the event venue. By booking David Allison, event planners can elevate their programming to new heights, offering attendees an unforgettable experience that informs, inspires, and empowers.

Why Event Planners Should Use Speakers Inc:

Event planners looking to streamline the speaker booking process and ensure the highest caliber of talent should turn to Speakers Inc. As a premier speaker bureau, Speakers Inc. boasts a roster of top-tier speakers, including thought leaders like David Allison, who are renowned for their expertise and professionalism.

By partnering with Speakers Inc., event planners gain access to a curated selection of speakers who have been vetted for their expertise, credibility, and presentation skills. Speakers Inc. offers personalized assistance every step of the way, from initial inquiries to post-event follow-up.

Their team of experienced professionals works closely with event planners to understand their specific needs and objectives, recommending speakers who align with the event’s theme, audience demographics, and budgetary constraints.

This tailored approach ensures a seamless and stress-free booking experience, allowing event planners to focus on other aspects of event planning with confidence. Furthermore, Speakers Inc. handles all logistical arrangements, including travel, accommodations, and technical requirements, relieving event planners of the burden of coordinating with speakers directly.

Their attention to detail and commitment to excellence guarantee a flawless execution, leaving event planners and attendees alike impressed and satisfied. By entrusting their speaker booking needs to Speakers Inc., event planners can rest assured knowing that they are working with a trusted partner dedicated to delivering exceptional results.

Summary and Conclusion:

In summary, David Allison is not just a speaker but a visionary whose work is shaping the future of business and society. His expertise in human values, coupled with his extensive experience in marketing and research, makes him a compelling choice for event planners seeking to offer their audiences a transformative experience.

Through his dynamic presentations and thought-provoking insights, David challenges conventional thinking and inspires individuals and organizations to embrace a values-driven approach to success.

As event planners strive to create impactful and memorable experiences for their audiences, partnering with Speakers Inc. ensures access to top-tier talent like David Allison. With their expertise and personalized approach, Speakers Inc. simplifies the speaker booking process, allowing event planners to focus on creating exceptional events that leave a lasting impression.

By bringing together visionary speakers and forward-thinking event planners, Speakers Inc. facilitates meaningful connections and fosters positive change in organizations and communities worldwide.

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