Asanda Maku | Self Empowerment Showcase

Asanda Maku
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Showcase Video

  • Event Date: 2022-09-07
  • Category: Motivation
  • City: Cape Town, SA

Talent Bio

Asanda Maku is an experienced conference emcee, host and facilitator since making her South African debut in 2007 on the hit teen show Hectic Nine-9 on SABC 2.

After her tenure on the program, she sharpened her presenting skills by appearing on other hit shows such as Sports View and Pop Up TV.

It was in 2015 that Asanda Maku’s talents ushered her into the world of screen acting when she landed the coveted lead role of Buhle in ETV’s fall sitcom, “B&B”.

The following year Asanda Maku then worked as a producer on the feature film,  “Khuli Chana: Picking Up The Pieces.”

A documentary on the shooting of South African rap mogul Khuli Chana which launched in cinemas across the country.

Asanda Maku | Self Empowerment Showcase

She continued her successful producing streak with the music series “Moments In Time” which was screened on both SABC 1 and SABC 3. Between 2017 and 2019 she scored featured roles in three successful soapies, Broken Vows, Generations and Isidingo.

Having appeared in several international commercial campaigns including those for Clarins South Africa, Woolworths and Ariel, Asanda Maku has built a strong social media presence with over 14k Instagram followers and counting.

Presently, she can be seen as the host of Coca-Cola: “The Secret Formula” on CNBC Africa and will also appear later in the year in Sunu Gonera’s latest film, “Riding with Sugar.”

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Keynote Topic

It would be amiss if I didn’t talk about how I got there. People don’t want to deal or talk about the heartbreak caused by a break-up. It’s important to heal before you move on.



Allow yourself to feel the hurt. Crying is a cathartic release. When you’ve broken up with someone after a long term relationship,it feels like a death. So you need to grieve the loss by going through the 5 stages of grief denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Also whatever you do stay away from social media. I would recommend that blocking your ex until you’ve accepted that it’s truly over. If children are involved then it’s important to separate your grief from theirs because the love you have for them won’t change,it’s just the circumstances. Time heals.



Oprah once said when you forgive someone who has hurt you,you’re not doing it for them…you’re doing it for you. You are taking your power and freedom back from all the anger and hurt because holding on to that grudge eats away at peace of mind. If you get an apology from that person then it’s even easier but don’t wait for that because it might never happen. Forgive first so you can move on with your life.

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Showcase Emcee

Duane Rockwell has been a valued entertainer ever since on the pub and club circuit, in the corporate entertainment arena, hosting at fashion shows and corporate events.



His easy-going and highly professional approach to any event makes Duane an absolute delight to deal with – always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that the function is an unforgettable and totally memorable affair.

Showcase Emcee

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