Public Speaking

Public speaking is the art of effectively communicating information, ideas, or messages to an audience. It involves delivering speeches or presentations with clarity, confidence, and engagement, whether in-person or virtually. Effective public speaking combines strong verbal and non-verbal communication skills, including the use of body language, tone, and visual aids. It is a vital skill for leaders, educators, and professionals, enabling them to inspire, persuade, inform, and connect with their audience. Public speaking can take many forms, from keynote addresses and motivational speeches to panel discussions and training sessions, each requiring a tailored approach to ensure the message resonates and achieves its intended impact.

Jess Ekstrom

In order to Turn Your Entrepreneur Journey into Keynote Talk and become a professional speaker, you don’t need a special formula, years of research, or an advanced degree. To be a professional speaker, you just need a compelling story. Entrepreneurs are uniquely equipped with captivating stories of their startup journey—which makes them the perfect fit […]

  • Instructor: Jess Ekstrom
  • Linkedin Learning
Presentation Skills

Powerful Presentation Skills, Learn to captivate any audience on stage, on video, and in meetings in this livestream training. Successful presentations all possess the same elements. Whether video calls, conference calls, sales, virtual trainings — any venue where you’re sharing your ideas with others. The good news? I’ve found the best skills are 100 percent […]

  • Instructor: Vanessa Van Edwards
  • Online Course

Microexpressions are facial expressions that happen in a fraction of a second. They occur due to involuntary and voluntary emotional responses, revealing a person’s genuine emotions. The human face is constantly sending signals, and we use it to understand the person’s intentions when we speak to them. In Decode, we dive deep into these micro […]

  • Instructor: Vanessa Van Edwards
  • Online Course
Masters Course in Public Speaking

Public speaking is a learned skill. And, becoming a better speaker is about becoming a better communicator. This comprehensive Masters Course in Public Speaking has been designed to take place over four weeks, allowing you, as the student, to garner the most knowledge and value from the lessons. As modules and topics unfold over weekly […]

  • Instructor: Liz Brunner
  • One-Time Payment
Rock Star Speaker Coaching

Take your growth to the next level. This Rock Star Speaker Coaching package includes our premier public speaking course – How to be a “Rock Star” Public Speaker – as well as three, 45 minute customized one-on-one communication coaching sessions. “Rock Star Speaker Coaching” Public speaking is a learned skill. And, becoming a better speaker […]

  • Instructor: Liz Brunner
  • One-Time Payment
Liz Brunner

In today’s digital age, mastering the art of virtual communication is essential for personal and professional success to Stand Out Well in a Virtual World. Our comprehensive webinar course, “Stand Out Well in a Virtual World,” is designed to equip you with the skills and techniques needed to excel in online interactions, meetings, and presentations. […]

  • Instructor: Liz Brunner
  • Free

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