Body Language Coaching

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  • Cost: $749
  • Online Course
About Course

Are Your People Skills Working For or Against You? Your nonverbals are talking. It’s time for you to know what they are saying through Body Language Coaching

Leaders by their very nature… lead. And you can’t lead from behind the curtain forever. Sometime. Somewhere. You’ll need to shake hands, kiss babies and do the deal. And for that, you’re going to need people skills.

If you’ve ever been asked to:

  • SPEAK.

You know that what you say matters just as much as HOW you say it.
Learn how to use your voice AND your body for maximum impact.

Body Language Coaching


Presenting to a group and not being sure what you need to do with your body language to look confident. Hello there Confidence Collar.
Talking with opposing counsel and where you need to show you’re competent and unflappable. I’m looking at you Competence Collar.
Connecting with a colleague that is struggling with personal issues and you need to show you care. Quickly put on your Active Listening Collar.
Struggling to connect with your client in-person and virtually. Time to put on your Warmth Collar.
Attending an event and need to be noticed by others. Hello gorgeous Charisma Collar.

Mastering how you show up is next level communication.

Body Language Coaching sessions allow you to identify the areas you want to gain control over and manage how you are showing up.

This Body Language Coaching is all about YOU.

  • Does public speaking make you weak in the knees? And is standing in front of a group your nightmare?
  • Do you want to up your leadership game?
  • Do you feel you’re not taken seriously for promotions or leadership roles and routinely are overlooked? And why is it that people often forget your name?


  • Your career is taking off, and you’ve been invited to give a TED Talk. #OMGOMGOMG
  • Your job requires you to show up differently in various settings (i.e. warm with clients and juries but competent in front of judges and opposing counsel).
  • You’ve been told that you are intimidating and unapproachable and you know that this is affecting your relationships with clients, colleagues, and people in your personal life. You worry people are holding back from sharing things with you.

Contact us at Speakers Inc and download our Mobile App

Kristin Bock, a dynamic force in the realm of nonverbal communication. Kristin is the founder of Body Language Blueprints, an innovative online platform dedicated to enhancing communication skills by leveraging the subtle art of body language.

With a unique approach that merges scientific insights with practical applications, she empowers professionals to stand out in person, during presentations, and in the digital landscape. Known as the Woman Determined to Skyrocket Your Success Using the Science of Body Language, Kristin is a beacon of expertise and inspiration in her field.

Kristin Bock’s journey into the world of body language began after she left a successful career spanning over 25 years in 2018. Driven by a passion for understanding and teaching the nuances of nonverbal communication, she made a bold decision to pivot her career and focus on what she truly loves.

Her dedication to this discipline stems from a deep belief in its power to transform personal and professional interactions, especially in today’s rapidly changing workplace dynamics.


(1 reviews)

Learning Points

If you’re a bright-eyed and eager participant (after coffee of course!) looking to master body language alongside a Coach (that’s me!), are willing to practice, accept feedback and become a super communicator…

You’re in the right place!


  • Outlining presentations
  • Prepping for interviews
  • Mastering sales
  • Preparing to speak on stages
  • Perfecting networking


Custom-designed to fit your specific needs, leadership and personal style, through collaborative discussion we determine the next steps to your body language mastery.

Individual coaching using your personalized program we’ll look at the tools and techniques to help you master every room and every opportunity that comes your way.

Body language is non-verbal but requires time to implement, integrate and put into practice. With regular follow ups, we’ll make sure you’re mastering body cues and back in the drivers seat of communication.

  • 2 hours of 1:1 sessions
  • Personalized videos and feedback


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Instructor Speaking Profiles

Kristin Bock
  • Non-Verbal Communication

Kristin Bock, a dynamic force in the realm of nonverbal communication. Kristin is the founder of Body Language Blueprints, an innovative online platform dedicated to enhancing communication skills by leveraging the subtle art of body language. With a unique approach that merges scientific insights with practical applications, she empowers professionals to stand out in person, […]

  • Travels from: Oshkosh, WI

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