Katie Greer

Tagline: Internet Safety

Keynote Topics

Maybe it’s because I’m a kid at heart, but I make this program educational and entertaining as possible. Kids today are digital natives and I want to help kids from a young age learn how to have a healthy relationship with technology.

Depending on the age, I can custom tailor my keynote speaker talks and exercises to suit the audience. My programs are hyper-interactive, real, and (dare I say) fun. Every program has a dedicated Q&A time, and I’m always floored by the meaningful, healthy conversations.

Here are some specifics I recommend covering per age group:

Pre-K through Grade 2

  • Rules to follow for tablets and phones (that are useful for parents too)
  • Understanding healthy boundaries for games we play
  • Defining personal information and how to keep it safe
  • Figuring out how to recognize safe sites and apps to use

Grades 3 through 5

  • Benefits and risks of communicating with friends online
  • Keeping personal information private when using social networks, games, and otherwise
  • Privacy settings: How do they work? Are they effective? What does “private” really mean?
  • Social Media 101: Rules, settings and healthy use
  • Cyberbullying and what to do about it
  • Cell phone and tablet rules to live by


As if being a pre-teen/teenager wasn’t hard enough, today’s adolescents have to deal with a whole new layer of complexity: the online world. School gossip isn’t something you can leave behind at 3pm, and the decisions you make about social media can haunt you for the rest of your life – or help get you into college or land that awesome, new job.

I’m not here to lecture kids about what’s appropriate and what’s not. Instead, my approach as a keynote speaker is to walk these kids through a decision-making process that considers the immediate and long-term impact of everything they do online – the AWESOME and the not-so-awesome. I want to have a meaningful conversation with the students so I can hear them out and empower them to question the big picture. And since every program I run has a dedicated Q&A time, I’m always awed by the breakthrough we make together.

Here are some specifics I recommend covering per age group:

Grades 6 through 8

  • Social networking: The AWESOME, the “eh” and the ugly. How to effectively utilize social media to work FOR you.
  • Privacy settings: What do they mean? How do they work? Is our info really private?
  • Technology tattoos—what you put out there stays out there—and how to be proud of what you post
  • Breaking down conflict versus cyberbullying
  • Sexting: A real discussion about healthy relationships, pressure, breaches of trust, oversharing, and an empowering message of understanding and setting boundaries
  • Going viral through kindness

High School

  • Understanding that your online reputation (often for the rest of your life) starts with the decisions you make now and can be wonderfully powerful if done right
  • Capturing your life on social media—and the risks that come with it
  • Privacy: Is there such thing anymore? What do our settings guarantee? What are the long-term implications of our constant use of these devices/apps/platforms?
  • Digital health: A down and dirty conversation about digital health and how these devices are impacting our moods, behaviors and relationships. The physical and psychological importance of giving our brains and bodies a break from screens
  • Employment and college admissions risks and opportunities
  • Let’s talk about sex…ting. It’s happening EVERYWHERE. Laws are all over the place. Long-term repercussions are currently unknown. Pressure is a driving force. Real talk about a pervasive social issue and healthy relationships


You did it – got into the school of your dreams, and truly the world is yours for the taking…so long as you (or your roommate) don’t post anything horrible, terrible, controversial, offensive, embarrassing, etc, we should be good – right? The pressure is real, and the world (today and 4 years from now when you graduate) is looking. Your information is more accessible than it has ever been, and making sure that your digital reputation matches up with your core values and authentic self can be a tricky balance. Tech and social media can also be a tremendous asset to you in college and beyond, so truly understanding how to manage and control your personal brand is an essential life skill.

Creating good habits, understanding and drawing clear boundaries, and being good and healthy consumers in our digital, social media-driven, and ever-connected world are all challenges we don’t talk about enough. While so much good has come out of the technologies college students and student athletes have access to today, it can also be a tricky minefield to navigate. Let’s talk, I love to listen and problem-solve with y’all on how we can make this all work for not against us.

Here are some details for these fully-customizable programs:

College Students

  • What it means to be a college student in a time of constant connectivity – the good, the bad, the opportunities and the pitfalls
  • There are opportunities like never before for students (future employees) in tech. Let’s talk about how we can make tech in college work for you now and in future, professional opportunities
  • Privacy settings: Older generations are historically TERRIBLE at caring about privacy online – be better! Let’s collaborate on ways we can be better with our info
  • Relationships. Technology has really changed the game, but recognizing healthy relationships and being able to understand and set boundaries are just as – if not more – important
  • Digital health: A down and dirty conversation about digital health and how these devices are impacting our moods, behaviors and relationships. The physical and psychological importance of giving our brains and bodies a break from screens
  • We are a generation that is consuming media more than ever before. Let’s chat about how to be critical, healthy, responsible consumers

Student Athletes

  • Being a student athlete comes with tremendous opportunities and privileges, and also tremendous responsibilities and visibility. Our every actions are accessible and recordable with the click of a button, and realizing this can either work for us or against us in this digital-world
  • Catfishing: This isn’t anything new, but student athletes seem to be frequent targets of people looking to take advantage athletes’ visibility and vulnerability. This program will offer case-examples and sensible tools to prevent catfishing
  • Student athletes are looked at as leaders in their college communities and beyond. Recognizing the tremendous power social media and technology can bring to our lives and in turn our schools and athletic programs has the potential to make – or break – an athletic career. Let’s talk about how to leverage technology so that it can work for us, our schools, and athletic programs


While much of my work is directed to a younger audience, you’d be surprised by how many adults are mystified by the world we live in. For this reason, I make sure to offer programs that help “big kids” navigate the new normal of technology. It’s no longer sensible to bury our heads in the sand and hope all this goes away – it’s here to stay. With that, I’ve developed programs that help parents, techies, administrators, employees and law enforcement stay on top of what’s now and what’s next in this digital world.

From parents wanting to better understand the boundaries (and opportunities!) of tech to corporations that want their employee groups to brush up on the latest apps and social media trends, to school staff trying to wrap their brains around healthy tech balance, my message is tailored and digestible to any audience. My goal is to educate in a way that helps audiences use the internet in a safer, more productive way, from recognizing health traps to protecting yourself with privacy precautions. We cover a lot and – and it often is coming directly from what the kids are divulging that very day. So take a deep breath, perhaps smile and laugh – we got this…piece of cake.
+ Specifics
Here are some specifics I recommend covering per adult group:


  • Updates on the latest tech trends including popular apps, social networking trends, gaming, sexting and more
  • Social media age limitations – and how often kids are breaking them
  • Privacy settings, location services, check-ins: Are your devices set-up safely?
  • Advice for having real conversations with your child to foster a positive online experience for your family, with suggested restrictions and rules
  • Digital health check-in: Is your family doing a good job balancing life and technology? Most KIDS say “NO!”
  • Smartphones & Age: What’s the average age kids get smartphones? Are there alternatives? Is there a right age for kids to get smartphones?

School administrators

  • Professional development workshops
  • Proactive measures to keep kids safe in schools, including a breakdown of the current trends in social networking
  • Digital health: How does your school rank in taking into account digital health? Is there a good balance?
  • Opportunities and recommendations with devices in schools, including 1:1 programs and best practices, user agreements, parent education, and policies
  • Overview of sexting and child pornography, including appropriate school handling of reported incidents
  • Cyberbullying identification, implications, and preparation, complete with case studies
  • Designated Q&A for personalized feedback on real school issues

Corporate keynotes and workshops

  • Reinforce your commitment to social responsibility by promoting a safer environment for employees and their families, aligning with the values of many socially-conscious corporations. Previous audiences have included
  • Fortune 500 and Global 2000 corporations, ERGs, and corporate keynotes
    Social media 101: Explore the world of the hottest social media apps, how they work, with live demonstrations – pros & cons, tips and tools to help employees and their family members be safe
  • Digital literacy & responsibility: Providing caregivers with strategies and tools to enhance their digital literacy, empowering them to help keep their families safe at home – in turn creating a more cybersecure culture at work
  • Promoting online privacy & personal information protection: Importance of safeguarding personal information online. Practical steps empowering families to protect their privacy in the digital space street
  • Screen time, social media & mental health: Exploring the relationship between increased screen time/social media use and mental health. Practical tips for managing screen time and social media so that impacts can be healthy



Talent Highlights

Professional Experience:Former Director of Internet Safety for the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office and Consultant for the FBI and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Key Achievements:Developed and implemented statewide internet safety programs. She Influenced state policies on internet safety and Consulted with national organizations on strategies to combat cybercrime.
Speaking Engagements:Addressed diverse audiences including schools, parents, corporations, and law enforcement agencies, Known for engaging and informative presentations and Tailors content to suit specific audience needs.
Impact:Provides actionable advice and practical strategies for digital safety
Empowers audiences to take proactive steps in protecting their online presence.

Travels from:

  • Boston, MA

Fee Range:**

  • Fees* $10,001 - $20,000

Katie Greer is a leading expert in internet safety, with a mission to educate and empower audiences on navigating the digital world safely and responsibly. With over a decade of experience in the field, Katie has become a trusted voice for schools, parents, corporations, and law enforcement agencies. Her engaging and informative presentations have made her one of the most sought-after speakers in internet safety, addressing the complex challenges of digital citizenship in the modern age.

Katie’s passion for internet safety was ignited during her tenure as Director of Internet Safety for the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, where she was instrumental in developing and implementing statewide internet safety programs. Her comprehensive understanding of the digital landscape, coupled with her dynamic presentation style, ensures that her audiences are not only informed but also inspired to take proactive steps in safeguarding their online presence.

Katie’s presentations are known for their relevance, clarity, and practical advice. She covers a wide range of topics, including cyberbullying, social media safety, privacy concerns, and the latest technological trends. Her ability to connect with diverse audiences and tailor her message to suit their specific needs has earned her a stellar reputation as an internet safety keynote speaker.

Katie Greer | Internet Security

Expertise and Background
Katie Greer’s expertise in internet safety is built on a solid foundation of professional experience and academic achievement. She holds a degree in Criminal Justice from Northeastern University, where she focused on the intersections of technology and law. Her early career saw her working with various law enforcement agencies, providing critical insights into cybercrime and digital threats.

During her time with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, Katie spearheaded numerous initiatives aimed at enhancing internet safety education. She collaborated with educators, parents, and community leaders to develop comprehensive training programs that addressed the evolving digital threats faced by young people. Her work was pivotal in shaping state policies on internet safety and protecting vulnerable populations from online exploitation.

Katie’s influence extends beyond her state-level work. She has consulted with national organizations, including the FBI and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, contributing to their efforts to combat cybercrime and promote digital safety. Her insights have been instrumental in developing strategies to address emerging threats in the digital landscape, making her a respected authority in the field.

As a speaker, Katie has a remarkable ability to distill complex technical information into accessible and actionable advice. Her presentations are meticulously researched and updated to reflect the latest developments in technology and internet safety. This commitment to staying current ensures that her audiences receive the most relevant and practical guidance available.

Katie’s speaking engagements have taken her across the country, addressing diverse audiences ranging from school assemblies and parent groups to corporate seminars and law enforcement conferences. Her dynamic delivery and relatable anecdotes make her presentations both engaging and impactful. She has a unique talent for connecting with her audience, making her a favorite among event planners and attendees alike.

Why Event Planners Should Book Katie Greer
Event planners looking to provide their audiences with a timely and essential topic will find Katie Greer to be an exceptional choice. Her expertise in internet safety addresses a growing concern in today’s digital age, making her presentations highly relevant to a wide range of audiences. From educators seeking to protect students to corporations aiming to safeguard their data and employees, Katie’s insights are invaluable.

Katie’s presentations are not only informative but also highly engaging. She uses a combination of real-life examples, interactive elements, and multimedia to keep her audience captivated. This approach ensures that her message is not only heard but also retained and acted upon. Her ability to tailor her presentations to the specific needs of her audience makes her a versatile and effective speaker.

Booking Katie Greer guarantees an event that will leave a lasting impact. Her practical advice empowers audiences to take proactive steps in ensuring their digital safety. She provides actionable tips that can be implemented immediately, making her sessions both valuable and memorable. Event planners can be confident that their attendees will leave with a greater understanding of internet safety and a toolkit of strategies to protect themselves online.

Why Event Planners Should Use Speakers Inc
Speakers Inc is dedicated to providing top-tier speakers like Katie Greer, ensuring that event planners have access to the best talent in the industry. By partnering with Speakers Inc, event planners can streamline the process of finding and booking high-caliber speakers who are experts in their fields. Our team works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and match them with speakers who can deliver exceptional value.

Choosing Speakers Inc means benefiting from our extensive network and industry expertise. We take care of the logistical details, from initial inquiries to finalizing contracts, allowing event planners to focus on the bigger picture of their event. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every speaker we recommend, including Katie Greer, meets the highest standards of professionalism and impact.

Summary and Conclusion
Katie Greer is a distinguished expert in internet safety, renowned for her ability to educate and inspire audiences on navigating the digital world securely. Her background in criminal justice and extensive experience with law enforcement and national organizations position her as a leading authority on internet safety. Her engaging presentations and practical advice make her a top choice for event planners looking to address this critical issue.

By booking Katie Greer through Speakers Inc, event planners can ensure a seamless experience and a speaker who will leave a lasting impression on their audience. Katie’s expertise, coupled with her dynamic delivery, guarantees an event that is both informative and engaging. Trust Speakers Inc to provide the support and resources needed to make your event a success.

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Fee ranges where listed on this website are intended to serve as a guideline only.
The fees provided are a local range (country of residence), for an accurate “international” fee please contact one of our team at Speakers Inc who can provide you with their fees accordingly. 
All talent fees exclude local taxes, travel and accommodation where required.
Fees are subject to change without notice and often vary based on a number of factors, including: schedule, timings, script writing, rehearsals, location, and other factors.
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  • For international bookings, Speakers Inc will determine the initial buyout amount quoted (to include business class airfare) and we confirm the amount at the time of the firm offer. We are also happy to quote a buyout for a specific event at any time, just reach out. 

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What is a full-service speaker booking agency?

A full-service speaker booking agency is an organization that handles all aspects of speaker engagements, from identifying and recommending speakers based on event objectives, to negotiating contracts, and managing logistics. Agencies like Speakers Inc provide extensive support throughout the process, ensuring that the right speaker is matched to the right event, that all technical and logistical needs are met, and that the event runs smoothly. This includes handling travel arrangements, audio-visual requirements, and any special accommodations the speaker might need. By offering a comprehensive suite of services, a full-service agency allows event planners to focus on their overall event strategy and attendee experience without getting bogged down in the details of speaker management.

Why is Speakers Inc Bureau different from other booking agencies?

Speakers Inc Bureau distinguishes itself through a deep commitment to personalized service and a unique understanding of client and speaker needs. Our approach is built on more than 25 years of industry experience, enabling us to not only anticipate the needs of our clients but also to provide insightful recommendations that enhance event outcomes. We pride ourselves on our:

  • Expert Matching: Leveraging our extensive network, we carefully match speakers to events based on a deep understanding of both the speaker’s expertise and the event’s goals.
  • Global Reach with Local Insight: With offices in major cities like New York, San Diego, and London, we combine global reach with local expertise, ensuring that no matter where your event is, we have on-the-ground insights.
  • End-to-End Support: From initial inquiry to post-event follow-up, our team offers continuous support, ensuring every aspect of the speaker engagement is flawless.
  • Innovation and Trends: We stay at the forefront of industry trends, including the integration of technology and new media in speaking engagements, which allows our clients to benefit from the latest innovations.
  • Ethical and Transparent Practices: Honesty, integrity, loyalty, and trust are the pillars of our operations, reflecting our commitment to ethical practices in all our interactions.

How can I find the right speaker for my event through Speakers Inc?

To find the perfect speaker for your event, you can start by visiting our website or contacting our client service team directly. We will discuss your event’s objectives, theme, audience demographics, and budget. Based on this information, we will provide you with a curated list of speaker recommendations who not only align with your goals but are also known for engaging and captivating audiences. You can also browse through our extensive speaker profiles online, which include detailed bios, speaking topics, and video clips of past engagements to help you make an informed decision.

What types of events does Speakers Inc cater to?

Speakers Inc caters to a wide range of events, including corporate meetings, conferences, educational workshops, leadership retreats, and public seminars. Our speakers specialize in various topics such as business, technology, health, education, motivation, and more, making us a versatile partner capable of servicing diverse event needs.

How do I book a speaker through Speakers Inc?

Booking a speaker through Speakers Inc is straightforward:

  1. Initial Consultation: Contact us with your event details, including date, location, audience, and objectives.
  2. Speaker Selection: Choose from our recommendations or browse our online profiles to select your preferred speaker.
  3. Contract and Confirmation: We handle all negotiations and contracts to ensure all terms are clear and favorable. Once the contract is signed, your speaker is confirmed.
  4. Event Preparation: We coordinate with you and the speaker to prepare for the event, handling all logistical details to ensure a seamless experience.
  5. Event Execution and Follow-Up: Our team supports you on the day of the event to handle any last-minute details, and we conduct a post-event follow-up to gather feedback and ensure satisfaction.

What support does Speakers Inc provide on the day of the event?

On the day of the event, a dedicated Speakers Inc coordinator can be available to manage the speaker’s schedule, ensure all technical requirements are met, and assist with any last-minute changes. This on-site support is designed to ensure that the speaker’s presentation goes as smoothly as possible, allowing event organizers to focus on their guests and overall event execution.

How does Speakers Inc handle speaker travel arrangements?

Speakers Inc manages all travel logistics for speakers, including flights, accommodations, and local transportation. We ensure that travel is efficient and meets the needs of both the speaker and the event, relieving you of the administrative burden and potential complications of managing these details.

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